Yes, I think it might be possible to replace the WP comment form with an IPB comment form if a user is logged in to the forum. It would likely rely on cookies, so the IPB + WP would both need to be on the same domain name with cookies setup correctly.
1. Nice idea. I’ll add it to the todo list. For now, when you create a new article, you could uncheck the category and it wouldn’t make an IPB category match, so it wouldn’t cross-post.
2. I’ll have to see if there’s a hook/filter for number of comments. Added to todo.
3. This one is already added to the todo. I’ll have to give it some thought to find the best way to add old WP posts or manually enter the information. You might enter a custom field into a post with forum_topic_url as the Name, and the respective url on the forum as the Value. I haven’t tried that yet to see what it might do.
Thank you for the donation. It’s the first donation I’ve ever received for this ??