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  • Plugin Author Beer


    I think I made a mistake pushing some older code, let me try to correct this. Then I’ll try to update it again later if I missed anything, the cache time will be configurable.

    Plugin Author Beer


    Waiting for it to update. In the WP dashboard it mentions the new version being available but then when I go to update it, it grabs the previous one.

    “Downloading update from…”

    No clue why. If I grab it from here, it seems to be the correct update but I’d have to install that one manually.

    Plugin Author Beer


    There it is. I was able to update in the WP dashboard now, to the correct version.
    If you have too, you should see “Cache TTL” as one of the options.

    Thanks, i’ll try the new version later, since now im not at home.
    In the meantime: do i have to enable WP comments system to make it work, even if i don’t want people to post comments using WP?

    Is there a chance to see in the near future a fully integrated wp/ipb, with a single login and the possibility to write comments through WP that duplicate in the forum?

    UPDATE: comments are now correctly showing up ??

    I noticed, though, that if you create a news with some images added through gallery the images don’t appear in the forum.

    … and smile are not parsed, too. Pardon for the triple post ??

    Plugin Author Beer


    Good to hear.

    Right, the shortcodes (gallery, etc..) would not be parsed by this script. I haven’t yet looked into how much extra code it would take to handle that. Same for a Single Sign On feature. That is likely beyond the scope of this project. Myself, I don’t want my WP database populated with forum users, and the point of this plugin for me was avoid that. I wanted to use my forum user features, and user management instead of WP’s.


    I saw in the to-do that you want to “add an optional IPB comment form if possible, in place of WP comments + recognize the IPB user”. Does it mean that it will be possible, if you’ll find the way, to post forum comments within WP?

    I have some more suggestions, feel free to let me know what do you think:

    1) Add an option to disable autoposting when you create a new article
    2) Show the number of forum comments in WP home (with a shortcode or something similar) for each news, since right now it displays only the comments added using WP system
    3) In my forum i use to create some news as posts inside already existing topics. Would it be possible to add an “Enter the URL of an already existing topic” field when you create a new article, so that the published news appears as the last post of that topic and the comments are retrieved from it?

    Btw, did you receive my donation?

    Plugin Author Beer


    Yes, I think it might be possible to replace the WP comment form with an IPB comment form if a user is logged in to the forum. It would likely rely on cookies, so the IPB + WP would both need to be on the same domain name with cookies setup correctly.

    1. Nice idea. I’ll add it to the todo list. For now, when you create a new article, you could uncheck the category and it wouldn’t make an IPB category match, so it wouldn’t cross-post.

    2. I’ll have to see if there’s a hook/filter for number of comments. Added to todo.

    3. This one is already added to the todo. I’ll have to give it some thought to find the best way to add old WP posts or manually enter the information. You might enter a custom field into a post with forum_topic_url as the Name, and the respective url on the forum as the Value. I haven’t tried that yet to see what it might do.

    Thank you for the donation. It’s the first donation I’ve ever received for this ??

    You should promote your plugin across IPB forums: i discovered it only by chance and there are really a lot of people asking for something like this!

    Well, since my “custom requests” are almost all in your to-do list i won’t annoy you anymore ??

    I’ll come back as soon as you’ll release new versions to give some feedbacks and suggestions, if you don’t mind!

    I agree. It would be better for you to make this plugin available in the IPB marketplace. Many people are looking for something like this.

    This is awesome, exactly what we are looking for. One thing, we are on a hosted IPB forum. Is there any way to get this modified to work with two different servers? IPB is hosted and WP is on a dedicated box.

    We would be willing to pay to have it if that can be done.


    Since even quote is not parsed i suggest you, if possible, not to show quoted text for the moment.
    It’s a bit messy when you have a lot of quoting: you don’t understand (in WP side) which part is the real comment and which one is just a quote.

    Anyone know if this will run on a hosted forum? Can it be modified to do so? Thanks.

    Plugin Author Beer


    I’m looking into dealing with shortcodes (gallery, etc..) and parsing things like quotes.

    I’m also looking into alternatives to hosted forums. Do they let you install WordPress on the same host or is it a separate server?

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