• I wanted a way to display my NetFlix movie rentals and/or queue on my blog so I wrote a plugin for WordPress to give me this capability. If you are wondering how it looks, have a look here This is an initial release, but should work fine with most installations. Here is the README file included with the distribution:


    PluginName: MyNetflix 1.0 01/31/2005
    Author: Jimmy Oliver
    AuthorEmail: [email protected]
    AuthorURL: https://www.jimmyoliver.net
    Description: MyNetflix is a WordPress plugin to display information about your netflix account on your blog. For now, a€?Queuea€? and
    a€?Most Recent Rental Activitya€? is supported.
    Requirements: WordPress 1.2 (Not tested with 1.5 or other development versions), A NetFlix account.


    1) Decompress the archive mynetflix-1.0.tar.gz taking care to preserve the directory structure of the archive.
    2) Edit the $url variable in mynetflix.php to match the RSS feed for your account. To get this url, login to your netflix account,
    go to your Queue and then click the RSS link at the bottom of the page. Copy either the a€?Queuea€? or a€?Most Recent Rental Activitya€? link.
    3) Upload the entire directory structure to your wp-content/plugins directory.
    4) Go to the plugins link in the WordPress admin control panel and activate the plugin.
    5) Modify your index.php to include the mynetflix() function.

    You can download the plugin HERE

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