• hi, I am getting 1000’s of user in my website from wp ecommerce. see the usermeta dump from database:

    12670996	775067	first_name
    12670997	775067	last_name
    12670998	775067	nickname	_vNN1nv0H
    12670999	775067	description
    12671000	775067	rich_editing	TRUE
    12671001	775067	comment_shortcuts	FALSE
    12671002	775067	admin_color	fresh
    12671003	775067	use_ssl	0
    12671004	775067	show_admin_bar_front	TRUE
    12671005	775067	wp_capabilities	a:1:{s:14:"wpsc_anonymous";b:1;}
    12671006	775067	wp_user_level	0

    the server hangs up because of this. please leet me know how to avoid this. I manually updated WP,PLugins, using all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall, clentalk spam filter but they are still coming


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