Currently LifterLMS does not expose the correct answers until the quiz has been graded at the conclusion of the quiz. It’s conceivable that LifterLMS could be customized to change that behavior and provide immediate feedback but at this moment quizzing is in a state of much needed overhaul (which I’m going to be working on in the 3rd/4th quarter of 2017. At that point I’m certain we’ll expose APIs and more information to allow for robust quiz customization but right now you may be doing a lot more customization than you’d like…
In it’s simplest implementation we’d need to add a filter for you to handle the data returned after answering a question. I’d be happy to do that if you’re serious about pursuing this customization but please pay attention to my next gotcha before saying “yes please add that filter”
LifterLMS quizzes are completely AJAX powered. We do not have any hooks or triggers in our JS (because I guess I’m shortsighted).
In order to provide the feedback you’re looking to do you’ll need to be pretty versed in JS. You’re going to need to unbind a lot of our default JS handlers found in our quiz file and then you’re going to need to rewrite a bunch of that functionality to do more or less the same thing we’re currently doing and then add your own custom functions on top of it.
I am all about extending LifterLMS but I only have so much time and I am the only developer here. If you’re going to need me to walk you through this customization I’d prefer to simply get paid by your client to do it. I don’t mean to be brusk but I do not have the time to help you through what could be a pretty complicated customization for someone who is not a JS expert. Please don’t take that the wrong way.
Here’s our quiz JS file: https://github.com/gocodebox/lifterlms/blob/master/_private/js/app/llms-quiz.js
If you’re feelings here are “YES I AM A JS EXPERT” then let’s colloborate to get you the hooks and triggers you need to make this happen. I’d love you to submit a pull request adding the functionality you need to the core via GitHub: https://github.com/gocodebox/lifterlms/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
Hope that gets you moving in the right direction and looking forward to what you can do here.