• Resolved yoonpa


    Animate on scroll seems like not working properly.
    I mean it does work, it animates when you scroll down but only works once.
    Once you reload the page, on scroll animation will not work again, all elements animate and has been visible all the way in the same time.
    Anyone here who can help?


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  • Plugin Author eleopard



    The Animation on Scroll takes place when the components are in visible area of the window, so if you already scrolled down to the component and refresh the page, the animation take place instantly as the components are in the visible area of window.
    however if you scroll up and then refresh, the animation occurs when you scroll to the components.

    Plugin Author eleopard


    marking as resolved

    same problem. It only animate when i reload and viewpoint on that animated section. if i go to top of the page and reload and scroll down, there is no animation.

    I happen to me the same scrolling does not work.

    Plugin Author eleopard


    Dear Shuvra124,

    Have you selected the option “On Scroll”?

    The on scroll animation works once for each reload and start instantaneously as the object comes withing the view port. if your object is currently not in the view port then as you scroll down, the animation starts as the object comes withing the visible window area, however you can control up to what offset you do not want to start animation using scroll offset option.

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