• I’m not sure if this is the right category.

    I am going to build a social intranet for a company with about 750 employees. They already use WordPress with the BuddyPress plugin. Also, they have multiple internal systems which would have to supply additional data for the intranet. The application has to available for PC, and smartphone/tablet via browser and as a standalone app. Both for at least Android and iOS.

    So far, we’ve been talking about building a responsive HTML5 webapp which communicates with a centralized API. I would have to build the API, too. For the frontend they’ve recommended me to use AngularJS, but I’m concerned about performance if you combine it with WordPress/BuddyPress. Does anyone have experience with this? And would you build a responsive website or a seperate mobile version?

    I’ve been comparing multiple solutions to build the mobile app with (near) native performance. These are some viable options I’ve found:

    • Appcelerator Titanium Studio
    • AppGyver Steroids
    • Xamarin Studio

    In your experience, what are the pros and cons with these options? Are there any pitfalls with any of these? Do you have other recommendations?

    Thanks ahead!

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  • Hello,

    With WordPress you can use a plugin as BuddyPress and use JQuery or other Mobile plugin for having mobile version.
    But if you need to use AngularJS, I think you’ll need to build your own mobile module.

    I am learning AngularJS and by seaching for templates, I found your post.

    Roy Sivan



    Not sure how far along you have gotten, but as far as performance on AngularJS, if you are using a RESTful API, it is not bad. I’m currently building a single-page app to work with a WordPress + WooCommerce build, and I am utilizing AngularJS for the front end.

    I have built a demo of my AngularJS theme and have compared performance of using a RESTful API (utilizing WP-API) vs. a non-restful API

    I wrote a blog article about it – https://www.roysivan.com/wordpress-restful-apis-angularjs/#.Uw98yvldV8E

    Check my blog for other articles I’ve written revolving around my AngularJS + WP development.

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