• Resolved guvenck



    I am trying to filter two taxonomies only: portfolio-category and portfolio-tag.

    I am using following shortcode:

    [searchandfilter taxonomies="portfolio-category,portfolio-tag" hierarchical="1" headings="Categories,Countries" show_count="1" types="select,checkbox" submit_label="Filter"]

    The results come up, however they are not in AND format. If I select a portfolio-category, whatever I choose in portfolio-tag is ignored. If I don’t select a portfolio-category and check portfolio-tag, I get “No Content Found
    The content you are looking for does not exist” as a result.

    Whay may I be missing?


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  • Tempera



    I am having the same issue as you: the search results only take into account the first field I choose something for and ignore the others.

    But this would have been the whole point of using Search & Filter plugin: to be able to make a search by taking into account the selections in several fields at the same time.

    Did you find what was causing this or how to solve? Or maybe an alternate plugin that does the job?

    Thank you,



    Hello. I am having the same issue as you.

    ?Someone from staff could explain the problem? ?The PRO version solved it?

    Thank you.



    I sure hope we’ll receive an answer.

    I was actually interested in buying the PRO version, but how can I trust buying a product when the free version does’t work properly for me and there’s no word from the author? (at least if they would clarify if this is only available in the PRO version or something, even though I believe it’s supposed to work in the free version).

    I also tried to contact the author by posting a comment on their own site, but I received no word from there either.

    Unfortunately, I don’t know what are the chances of receiving an answer since I can see that they have not answered questions on this support forums in the past months…

    And I personally haven’t found a way to make it work. ??

    Plugin Author DesignsAndCode


    Hey all

    I’ve almost stopped all support for the free plugin as my time is devoted to the users of the pro – and there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do both.

    As per the examples and documentation I’m sure you can see that it is supposed to support searches with multiple fields – I think by default the free version uses the AND operator but its been so long.

    The pro version was built ground up from scratch and has a completely different code base to this version – once I find some time the new codebase will make its way over here in the free version and I’ll begin supporting it again.

    In regards to the actual problem – I would suggest disabling other plugins and also trying a default WP theme – this way you can figure out where the problem lies





    Thank you! I really appreciate your answer. Like I said, I am planning to purchase your pro version, but the lack of responses until now got me thinking.

    Of course, you don’t have to give support for the free plugin, but I found a little inconvenient the fact that I couldn’t at least find a way to reach you for pre-sales questions, for example.

    Anyway, it’s good to know that you are still taking care of the plugin and it is supposed to work how I need it.

    Have a nice week-end!

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