• Resolved wnjusa



    Thank you for a very good plugin, but I am running into issues:

    1. I am using your 2.1.1 Basic version.
    2. I have created US States, AL, AK, AZ, and Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, etc. as linked words to be linked into my wp pages
    3. It seems, randomly, it is randomly turning text in all caps or all lowercase, and my words are not getting linked;
    4. Also, some words that should be in the link are not showing up in the Dashboard | Anchor Text Statistics
    5. Finally, there are keywords that do show in the Dashboard | Anchor Text Statistics, but do not get linked
    6. I have rebuilt the index a few times and I have deleted and added words back again; but no show

    Kindly advise how to resolve this.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Thread Starter wnjusa



    so, this is from the Anchor text statistics;

    the plugin has by itself ARIZONA as all caps and converted to lower case california and florida from being capitalized

    it would not make any difference to me if it would link them; but it does not;

    so, no idea what is going on; I have attempted to remove them, add them back again, rebuilt the index, but no go;

    kindly advise;

    much obliged

    Plugin Contributor Internal Links


    Thank you for contacting us.

    We are unable to replicate the said issue but regarding changing the letter casing on the anchor text statistics, it can be changing because you would have maybe 2 or more anchors linked to it that are in different letter casing and it might take the letter case of the first one generated.

    For example:

    If you are refer to the anchor text statistics it would be normal that it might change letter case as it might have multiple links and different cases, but it should not affect linking and the front end output as it should remain to it original letter case, you can see it when you check the Links Statistics that the anchor text are different and it is what you have set when you are writing the content.



    • some words that should be in the link are not showing up in the Dashboard | Anchor Text Statistics
      • There could be some factors affecting this could be that you have set certain limits to linking from our plugin or could be a conflict between contents or even other conflicts from themes or plugin, we could not say but it would help if we could investigate it ourselves.
    • Finally, there are keywords that do show in the Dashboard | Anchor Text Statistics, but do not get linked
      – Can you take a screenshot of the ILJ statistics? Is there a linkindex built in there?

    If so, the issue would be caused by your theme/template. We have a work around these due to lack of any filters available for the get_the_content(), we have added our own to filter out that function.

    To use get_the_content() just like before, you can just add this apply_filters on the templates so that the links will be generated.


    $content = apply_filters('ilj_get_the_content', get_the_content());
    echo $content;


    $content = apply_filters('ilj_get_the_content', $term->description);
    echo $content;

    You can use our filter in your template or theme for it to have the links. This usually works automatically if the theme is using the default WordPress functions, we have provided this filter for more customized websites.

    Let us know if you need more help

    Thank you

    Thread Starter wnjusa


    this still unanswered and unresolved by link jucier

    Thread Starter wnjusa


    >>We are unable to replicate the said issue but regarding changing the letter casing on the anchor text statistics, it can be changing because you would have maybe 2 or more anchors linked to it that are in different letter casing and it might take the letter case of the first one generated.<<

    thanks for your reply;

    I am very careful in linking content to one page alone; so, the keywords are only added on a single page alone; my page for florida has Florida and FL as keywords and no other page has these keywords in link juicer;

    as for your unable to replicate, I am with you as well on the same, because, the case conversion is all by itself; I never entered ARIZONA as all caps, Link Juicer has done by itself;

    I have deleted these words, updated the page, rebuilt the index and gone back and added capitalized only to find randomly lowercase, capitalized or uppercase;

    frankly, I do not care how they are entered, as long as they link the content and that is what is not happening;

    again, all of this is random;

    thanks in anticipation for this random advice

    Plugin Contributor Internal Links


    I see, we are not sure on what causes this in your site.
    I think there could be some plugin causing this or theme files that influences the output.

    Can you share a screenshot of the iLJ Dashboard and statistics?
    Can you share a link to this pages or a screenshot of what can be seen on the page?

    Some themes use other ways of outputting their contents, so it might help us know what theme you are using so we can investigate.
    There might be an available hook in your themes that we can hook into to enable linking, as we have this filter available

    $content = apply_filters('ilj_get_the_content', get_the_content());
    echo $content;


    add_filter( '(theme hook available)', 'my_custom_filter_function', 99, 1 );
    function my_custom_filter_function( $content ) {
    // Apply the ilj_get_the_content hook to the $content variable
    $content = apply_filters( 'ilj_get_the_content', $content );
    return $content;

    What other plugins are you using in your site?

    This information can help us better understand how to replicate the issue.

    Thread Starter wnjusa


    >>What other plugins are you using in your site?<<

    how would another plugin or theme change the capitalization randomly inside the index of your plugin ?

    and then how does the changed capitalization inside your plugin not link pages together ?

    clearly, the issue is simple, random and changed capitalization and then not linking with content on the pages; if the 1st would not happen, the 2nd might not happen ?

    I love your plugin; it is the best there is in the community and thank you for offering it free and supporting it here;

    thanks in advance;

    Thread Starter wnjusa


    PS. I cannot upload images here, therefore the above text copied from your index

    Plugin Contributor Internal Links


    how would another plugin or theme change the capitalization randomly inside the index of your plugin?

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It is concerning to hear that other plugins may be affecting the letter case of our link index. In order to better understand the issue, could you please provide more information about where the letter case changes are occurring? Are they only happening on our dashboard or are they also visible on the front end of the website?

    and then how does the changed capitalization inside your plugin not link pages together ?

    Based on the information provided, it appears that our plugin is able to generate the link index for the page correctly. However, when the front end of the website is checked, the links are not functional. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as the theme files overwriting our plugin’s filter or not using the default WordPress function, the_content()to output the content. This would prevent our plugin from being able to build the links on the front end.

    add_filter( '(theme hook available)', 'my_custom_filter_function', 99, 1 ); function my_custom_filter_function( $content ) { // Apply the ilj_get_the_content hook to the $content variable $content = apply_filters( 'ilj_get_the_content', $content ); return $content; }


    $content = apply_filters('ilj_get_the_content', get_the_content());
    echo $content;
    Thread Starter wnjusa


    This issue is still alive and well;

    there is a random change in casing of the keywords as shown in anchor text statistics;

    Plugin Support markilj


    Our plugin by default is not case-sensitive, so when a keyword matches an anchor with a different letter casing, it should follow the one on the original content casing when linking.

    For example:

    Original content casing: https://prnt.sc/4EYiPJ5pM-Ht

    Keyword casing: https://prnt.sc/F-BNnifkyZXq , https://prnt.sc/ExAlhQkHLJrH

    Dashboard Statistics letter casing: https://prnt.sc/a1tr8ZleSf1- , https://prnt.sc/_0-SxSy4lRzO

    As you can see in our example the dashboard statistics changed casing, but it is the same letter casing with the content it is linking into.

    Result: https://prnt.sc/y1AZek8jCGyv

    The content is linked and retains it’s original letter casing.

    So there is a possibility that the letter casing will change on the dashboard statistics and it could be different from what you set in the keyword, it would be the same with the contents letter casing, but our plugin should not change the letter casing of the content in the front-end when linking.

    You have mentioned it is not linking on the front end right? If the link was generated in the dashboard statistics but not it does not show in the front-end this is usually due to the theme or template, because sometimes our plugin’s filter is being overwritten by the themes function, thus resulting in no links generated on the pages. May I know what theme or builder you are using? so we can investigate this further and possibly provide a code snippet or solution to the issue?

    Thank you

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