An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.
Hi everyone
I am a great fan of wordpress, a big vangelizer of the quality and of the efficiency of this great application, but 2.5 was not ready to be delivered
I don t think it is acceptable to have such problems with image uploading, we are talking about a real basic feature, this cannot happen
especially when it was a well known and unsolved problem of the beta version.Sorry to say this but this doesn t help the new user of WP, and this is not healthy to the long life of WordPress
I really hope that this problem will be solved very soon, and I hope to find very soon an *easy* way to solve this, cause so far i haven’t seen a good topic where it is solved, Maybe a single topic won t be enough, but for sure this is a real critical issue
my config
wordpress 2.5
no flash plug in installed
plugins installed : 1 – askimet
error : An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.
browser :ie6,ie7,ffox,safaribest
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