So strange…. I think it’s working!!!
I tried again last night and it was still giving me the same errors and failed attempts when checking out that I was getting when I posted this last week.
What I just did (not sure if any of it mattered…):
1. I resubmitted the same e-mail address in the woocommerce settings and did the same for the Bitpay plugin, not sure if this did anything.
2. I also revisited the plugin page and saw that I may have needed the WooCommerce BTC Currency plugin, so I installed that also.
3. Lastly woocommerce pushed an update to the product variations plugin between now and last week and so of course I updated it.
After saving these changes, I tested it out and lo and behold… It worked, no error!!!!!!! The Bitpay plugin now provides a payment address and a quote in BTC ??
Like I said not sure if any of the above was effective but if I were to take a guess it was the WooCommerce BTC Currency plugin I was missing that did the trick.
I will attempt to do a real transaction tonight just to make sure and I will update this post afterwards.
Also I would really like to thank Claudio for creating this plugin and all the other work he has done to make accepting Bitcoin easier across all platforms. I have been a longtime fan of Bitcoin and I think this is so great to be able to accept it on my site.
As a side note I completed my first goods for Bitcoin transaction last week while the plugin was down by using the invoice feature Bitpay has, so I would like to thank them too for helping make it possible.