• When I install WordPress, I could not believe I want to be remembered for what this error comes

    Fatal Error
    If your blog does not display, please contact the owner of this site.
    If you are the owner of this site please check that MySQL is running properly and all tables are error free.
    Database Tables Missing.
    Database tables are missing. This means that MySQL is either not running, WPMU was not installed properly, or someone deleted wp_site. You really should look at your database now.
    What do I do now?
    Read the bug report page. Some of the guidelines there may help you figure out what went wrong.
    If you're still stuck with this message, then check that your database contains the following tables:
        * wp_blogs
        * wp_users
        * wp_usermeta
        * wp_site
        * wp_sitemeta
        * wp_sitecategories
    If you suspect a problem please report it to the support forums but you must include the information asked for in the WPMU bug reporting guidelines!

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  • I’ve never seen such a message.

    It seems to indicate that the database is missing the correct tables — which are set up in the database during the WP installation. But there has to be a database already. Did you set up a database before you installed WordPress?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The install is failing. You have a database, but WordPress is unable to write to it. How did you setup the DB?

    Thread Starter mrshahbazi


    Standing does not install the database delivered as usual was

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