Thanks. Don’t you think that obtaining AMP Error Report in Google WMT will push this adoption forward??
I believe that due to rise of mobile, professional company marketeers will start obtaining this in their SEO requirement / checklist soon which will lead to briefings towards agencies, developers and system integrators.
Next, the mainstream publishers will follow and enable the scale Google and companies like them require …. I think it is a smart way to get the mobile web quicker in a short time frame but also ensuring that it stays resource effective (cost and hardware power) with the current mobile storm.
More efficient data and content transfer is also for IoT (internet of things) a requirement next to security. With billions of devices transferring data we simply will not have enough system resources in the cloud or wherever… Clouds are still iron hardware somewhere on a central location which requires power. Processing all incoming data from all devices, make sense out of it and publish enriched rich data-driven content back to those devices with complex and not standardized front-ends over mobile connections will be a serious challenge.
This is a requirement for the industry to deliver better standardized mobile experiences to support the strong rise of mobiles connected within the available capacity. Approx 30+ billion devices will be connected within 4 years from now.
I strongly believe we are on the eve of something great, simply because we need it if we all want keep using our smartphone,…and so many other personal as professional devices which carry a display today. Most are or will be connected to internet and scream for content. Content will be King more than ever .. but content that reaches and makes sense to ME. Accelerated Mobile Content.