• Hi,
    I’m using a child version of Twenty Thirteen.
    There are four widgets in the footer. Three custom menus and a text box.
    I can’t control the width and positioning of the widgets (as far as I can tell) using CSS as the absolute positions and widths are in the style tag at the code level.
    <aside id="nav-menu-3" class ="widget widget-nav-menu masonry-brick" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:265px;>
    It seems that the widths and positions of the footer widgets are being generated by a function rather than CSS.
    Does anyone know how to bypass or change that?

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  • I have exactly the same issue. I need my widgets on the footer to be closer to each other when viewed on a full resolution screen. Could someone explain step-by-step how to dequeue and enquue your own JS?

    PaulWpXp, you are right on the money but I am no expert and taking the wrong steps here is probably not a good idea.
    I too am using a child theme of twenty thirteen and obviously with CSS alone it is impossible to change this.

    Keress, if you could share your method of “creating another sidebar element in functions.php and then calling for that in the footer.php” that would also be greatly appreciated from all of us trying to resolve this issue.

    Thank you in advance

    As per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

    I had a very similar issue. I solved it with a simple edit to style.css.

    I just removed the following:

    .sidebar .site-footer .widget-area {
    	max-width: 724px;
    	position: relative;
    	left: -158px;

    Hello Esmi (Forum Moderator)
    Even though I am having a similar issue and I don’t know how to resolve it, I need to start a new topic?
    Please advise

    Thank you

    I need to start a new topic?




    Hei Franc

    – I’m not too sure how to read this function. Is the 228:245 a range of widths?

    I tried to find an answer to that too, and can tell you this:

    var columnWidth = body.is( ‘.sidebar’ ) ? 228 : 245;

    means: if the body-tag has the class “sidebar” then columnWidth should be 228px. If not, the columnWidth should be 245px. Nothing more actually. Masonry is doing the rest (https://masonry.desandro.com/options.html#columnwidth)



    Hello! I am having a similar issue, when upon “fixing” it, creates a different issue. Looking for some help here, extreme beginner.

    In the footer of my page bachtogauss there are 2 widgets – Subscribe, and Archives. I am trying to move the Archives box over to the right, so that it’s approx 400px from left instead of current setting of 265px.

    I have identified the html for the box and have tried this css:

    #archives-2 {left:400px !important;
     position:  relative !important;

    with and without the position setting. Here’s the problem.

    Originally, when the window size became smaller, Archives would jump down underneath Subscribe. When I change from 265 – 400px with above code, Archives looks great in full window size, but gets stuck out to the right and slightly under Subscribe when any smaller. It breaks the mobile look.

    Looking for help on achieving:

    – Archives out 400px from left in full window size
    – Archives jumping directly underneath Subscribe in smaller windows, exactly as it does when the setting is 265px from left.

    Sorry for wordiness – it’s hard to describe this stuff without a visual.

    I have no idea how to mess with the Masonry js stuff, and am hoping for a css resolution. This is the relevant js:

    element.style {
        left: 265px;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;

    I am working in a child theme. I also tried following these instructions for dequeueing js and whatnot, but that left me with 2 footers (the original and the broken css one), and then no footer at all.

    Thanks so much!



    @whycomeimsocool – please start your own thread – as this one is outdated and not the same question(s).




    Sorry for my confusion, but

    a) this thread is called Amend Widget Widths and Positions in Twenty Thirteen, and I am trying to amend a widget’s position in Twenty Thirteen, and

    b) there was just a post 3 weeks ago, and you were somehow able to respond to me within minutes of my posting. That doesn’t strike me as outdated.

    I like your username… do you do yoga?



    Sorry if my post was not well-worded – we ask people to do so because it’s often quite confusing having multiple people in the same thread – and your situation is probably not be identical – which is why the guidelines say:

    Unless you are using the same version of WordPress on the same physical server hosted by the same hosts with the same plugins, theme & configurations as the original poster, do not post in someone else’s thread. Start your own topic.

    So please do that if you want help.

    As to my user name – thanks – yes, I’m a long-time fan of Bikram yoga, though haven’t been practicing too much lately.



    Very well then, thank you for that information! Being my first time on here, I was ignorant of those rules – my fault.

    I am more of a fan of Ashtanga and the like, because in my opinion it’s more about Ayurvedic tradition and healing. Bikram, being heated, strikes me more as a “workout” people practice to “sweat”, and therefore less spiritually aligned. Of course this is a general statement regarding what I’ve noticed in life, I mean to pass no judgement ??

    Thanks again –

    So to get control over the css for footer widgets, all you have to do is

    1. delete the line
    wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-masonry' );
    from functions.php or

    2. add the lines

    function twentythirteen_scripts_styles() {
    if ( is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ) )

    to your child themes’ functions.php

    I did the first thing. Not sure whether the second option works.

    I had exactly the same issue and simply changed the values in function.js to 200 : 220 with a gutterWidth of 10.

    if ( $.isFunction( $.fn.masonry ) ) {
    		var columnWidth = body.is( '.sidebar' ) ? 200 : 220;
    		$( '#secondary .widget-area' ).masonry( {
    			itemSelector: '.widget',
    			columnWidth: columnWidth,
    			gutterWidth: <strong>10</strong>,
    			isRTL: body.is( '.rtl' )
    		} );

    This worked for a content width of 980px.
    Not an ideal solution as it will probably be reverted after a Twenty Thirteen update, so it’s probably best to somehow deregister the parent JS and enqueue a new one.
    See this tutorial: https://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/creative-coding/how-to-modify-the-parent-theme-behavior-within-the-child-theme/

    To anyone running across this post looking for help with the same problem, I used this: https://slobodanmanic.com/444/flexible-horizontal-sidebars-wordpress-twenty-thirteen-child-theme/

    But you have to download his zip and copy the code because there seems to be some code missing from the snippets that are right in his post.

    Dzynit, thanks for reminding me to update code snippets in that post. Should be fine now, sorry.

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