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  • Plugin Support Shawn


    It’s possible S3 adds those + signs when you upload a file with spaces in the filename. If your files have spaces in the filenames before upload, delete the spaces or replace them with underscores or hyphens. See if that takes the + signs out of the filenames.

    Plugin Author Angelo Mandato


    Just to explain in more detail, the + symbols replace spaces in the filenames. Such characters require encoding when used in JavaScript, JSON, etc… It is recommended to not use spaces or special characters in filenames and replace them with – or _ characters.

    By the way, this is not an “Error” but a “Warning” that powerpress provides. The warning should state as follows: Media URL contains characters that may cause problems for some clients. For maximum compatibility, only use letters, numbers, dash – and underscore _ characters only.

    My suggestion is rename the file “TTTV Bachelorette S12E04.mp3” to “TTTV_Bachelorette_S12E04.mp3” (replace spaces with _ characters)

    Plugin Author Angelo Mandato


    rooly, did changing the spaces out of the filenames fix your issues?

    Thread Starter rooly


    It did!! Totally saved me. Thanks so much Angelo. I felt like such a knucklehead. Appreciate your help!

    Plugin Support Shawn


    Thanks for the update, rooly! Glad everything’s working now.

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