• I’m using the Amazon plugin as a way to show what book I am currently reading.

    I’d also like to do the same with video games I am playing, but I’d like them to be separate sections. I was thinking the only way to do this would be install a duplicate Amazon plugin, but I know that wouldn’t be easy …

    currently i have just renamed the section to “currently reading/playing” and added the video game … so the book is shown and the video game is below it (all in the same section). that was the only thing i could think of doing to get what i want.

    is there another plugin I can use additionally, or can i do something with existing plugin to make two separate entities?

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  • This is going to sound REALLY stupid, I know, but how in the heck do i stop it from wrappering the output into


    • THAT”s whats causing my alignment issues (good call on viewing source of the page to figure this out David)


    ack – forgot the ` for code – that shoudl read wrappering the output into ul & li

    I’d have to change a lot of code to remove the ul/li stuff — it enables a whole bunch of simplified CSS formatting (because you can make the lists inline, bringing stuff onto a single line, do custom bullets per element, etc…).

    But seems like we can work through the remaining CSS issues if you got that far. ??


    well, i think it *has* to be as you suggested, in the main style sheet – problem is, i’m not sure where and i’m not sure how changing that will effect everything else. It’s not quite what I want, but for right now, I’m going to leave it as is – at least until I can decide if I’m changing hosts at least.

    When entering a comment or password the comments-post.php/wp-pass.php come up blank. I don’t know what I could have done. I have changed themes a few times, but it appears to be a problem with any theme I choose to use. Any suggestions on how to fix? (There seems to be a conflict with the CG-Amazon Plugin). When I deactivate the CG-Amazon Plugin all is well.

    I thought I responded on this already, did I not?

    I did testing with wp1.5, CG-Amazon from the PowerPack 1.5a7 release, in FF as admin, in IE as random user, and posting comments or typing password for protected post worked fine. This is on my test machine, XP, PHP4 latest, apache1-series.

    Have you tried turning off other plugins, leaving amazon on, to see if anything else ALSO fixes the problem? That might lead us to a conflict between plugins.

    What other custom plugins are you running?

    Again, CG-Amazon should be somewhat ‘inert’ except for when called into play on the sidebar. It >is< possible that there’s a conflict with some other plugin, maybe variable or function name. Generally when a page comes up blank, it means that you are calling a function that doesn’t exist, or including a file it can’t find — but don’t have your error output cranked up and echoing so it just eats the error and generates a blank page.


    I decided to use the default theme and deactivate all plugins before install CG-Amazon. All seems to be working well (even the amazon_cache was created! yea!) After adding and testing each plugin, the conflict seems to have been with Kitten’s Spam Words plugin.

    Hmmmm. Interesting! I’ll have to download SW and see what the problem is. must be some global, somehow.

    Thanks for trying further, and letting us all know!


    although I had no problem last night (on to separate machines) when I logged in this morning, same problem–blank screens for login, comments, password protected entries. I have no idea what to do next. I’ve just disabled CGA for the time being, :-/

    Can you post me a COMPLETE list of all the plugins you had enabled? Without that, I’ve got little to go on here. ??



    I have the following plugins activated:

    WP Plugin Manager
    WP Grins
    Kitten’s Spaminator
    Search Hilite
    Get Recent Comments

    Hi, just wondering if there’s any solution to this? I’m having the same problem (blank screens for comments, password protected entries) after activating CGA plugin.

    Blank screens usually mean some kind of php error, but that the error display isn’t active yet.

    What version of WP are you running? What version of PHP? What version of CG-PP? Have you tried with all other plugins disabled?

    I was never able to reproduce the issues with login, comments, and pw posts — so I need a reproducible case to debug against. If it’s a conflict with another plugin, that’ll be easy to figure out (i.e., things run when other plugins disabled). It should be fine with more recent ( WP, and I think I’ve been running PHP5 here lately (and was running 4 before).

    You can always drop me a line at cgcode at chait dot net, and I’ll do my best to help!


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