• denyerec


    Media Manager 1.1 is now available.
    AMM is a simple sidebar “hack” that lets you add books, music and DVD’s to your sidebar with a click of a button, simply by pasting in the ISBN or ASIN (Amazon ID Number).
    Several people are already using it:
    Me!! denyerec.co.uk
    After several people pointed it out, I have updated the script to co-operate with various multi-national Amazon sites. I hope it works as fully on these new sites as it does on the .co.uk and .com ones, my preliminary testing says yes, but you never can tell.
    Go here to get the new version!
    Also, please , if you use this script, link to https://www.denyerec.co.uk in your sidebar, that’s the only “fee” I ask for making use of my hours of code!!

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  • Nevermind about the images thing. I figured it out right after I posted(isn’t that always the way? ??
    In amazoninfo.php, I threw in a <div align=”center”> before the image and a </div> after. Seems to work and the xhtml still validates.

    Thread Starter denyerec


    I have to say it’s quite something to see other people supporting something you write, thanks Beel for jumping in there!
    I’ve had a fair few mails (And even fewer pingbacks… *sniff*) asking about formatting the output, so I’m considering making that a little more clear in the docs, perhaps even separating the output HTML code into another file to make it super easy to modify.
    In fact that may well be a worthwhile addition as output customisation is top of many people’s “things to do”.
    Don’t forget if you use it, link back to me, it’s all I ask!

    denyerec – How about changing the link to your site? blog = 404

    Thread Starter denyerec


    You were quite correct there Beel, took me a moment to figure out what you were referring to but it’s fixed now, thankyou!

    I just installed this. Looks great and was very easy, but none of the images are showing. I’m feeling like a complete idiot, but since I know absolutely nothing about PHP, could someone please tell me how and where and what I need to do to have the images appear?

    I was going to respond and ask for more info about your problem but a visit to you site suggests you have it working properly.

    Well, once again it turns out that this is an Opera-related thing, since I could see the images in every other browser. I’m really going to have to start looking in Firebird or IE as well as Opera before deciding something doesn’t work. Sorry about that. (But it’s so cool that you visited me!)

    I, too, would like an additional media type: Games. I’ve been trying to grok the code for a bit and may be close to figuring out a solution, but I’d rather have the author do an officially-sanctioned patch.

    Okay, this is a TOTAL hack, but here’s how I did it:
    I altered wp-admin/amazonphp.php, after line 436, I added:
    <OPTION VALUE=”Games”<?php if($type==’Games’) echo ‘selected=”selected”‘;?> > Games</OPTION>
    I then altered amazoninfo.php. I changed line 75 (“else”) and added the following:
    elseif ($binswitch == 9)
    $wantedtypes[]=”WHERE type=’Games’ $rec”;
    I also altered line 73 to read:
    $wantedtypes[]=”WHERE type=’DVD’ OR type=’Music’ OR type=’Books’ OR type=’Games’ $rec”;
    Now, in my index.php, I call games using this:
    I’ll get it working so that you can arbitrarily combine Games with other media types soon, but Games at least work on their own or in random combo with the other media types.

    Shazbot! The forum software appears to have changed all my dollar signs to $ Please adjust your parsing of my code accordingly.

    Thread Starter denyerec


    As the addition, at least on a cursory basis, seems relatively minor I’ll add it to the code right away.
    I didn’t consider games as an amazon media type when I drew up the plan for the software… Maybe I’m getting old? ??
    Will post an update here when it’s zipped and on the website.

    Thread Starter denyerec


    OK, the update is complete.
    You may grab the updated archive at this URL:
    If you are upgrading, simply copy all files except the readme and the install script over the old ones.
    If you’re installing for the first time, check out the readme and follow the steps.
    I’ve not yet confirmed that the Games addition is 100% operational.ZaMoose, if you could give it a shakedown and get back to me it would be greatly appreciated.
    As soon as someone confirms it’s all well and good, I’ll make a new post for new readers on the WP forums and my log.
    Don’t forget, if you use the Media Manager, PLEASE link to me from your blog, it’s all I ask. Thanks ??

    I don’t have it up on my main site yet, but I’ve been testing it on my test page and it looks like it’s working fine:

    I spoke too soon. Now it seems that any media that you submit defaults to type “Games” and if you’re not careful in your submission, you’ll end up having to edit the db by hand in order to change the media type.

    Thread Starter denyerec


    I will re-examine the code this morning and update the copy on my website accordingly. I’ll let you know when it’s done in this thread.

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