Amazon Link usage question
Hi Paul,
I came across your plugin, but haven’t tried it yet because I am unsure about a couple of points (and don’t want to destroy my high-traffic site):– Has this been rectified yet?
(I use that plugin too)– After seeing what another user posted here, I went to
(am new to “api” things), and now I am unsure:
Wouldn’t those api credentials be more suitable for Amazon Link? Why sign up to AWS and pay for lookups if as Amazon advertiser they give us free lookups, no?– Most worrying for me: “Individual WordPress users can also add their own tracking IDs to their User profile.” – Why on earth would a website owner want this? (unless it’s some kind of multi-author site)
–> Using Amazon Link would mean that anyone signing up to my site can generate MY amazon commissions??
I don’t see why you implemented that feature, and even if, why you not then made it an option?Not sure if this is the reason for the comparatively few reviews and downloads of Amazon Link? As nemoprofeta said, your plugin sounds like the TOP amazon plugin!
So, basically I am confused.
There is only one ‘development version’, i.e. the one at the top of the ‘Other Versions’ it does not have a ‘version’ number as it has not been released yet.
The Other ‘Other Versions’ are all the previous versions of the plugin.
I have made some more changes along the lines of what you have suggested, but it is still work in progress. If I have more time to spend on the plugin I’ll let you know when there is something available that you might want to test.
Please be aware that there are 100s of other users of the plugin, all the current features are provided for them. What is considered ‘really useful’ varies from user to user. As such it is very difficult to remove current facilities without breaking someone’s website.
Hence new stuff is being added as ‘extras’ if it does not work out then I don’t have to ‘remove’ it from the plugin at a future date I simply stop supporting the ‘extra’ plugin.
a) and b) I am currently investigating.
As I posted previously changing the iframe template on the settings page to:
%LINK_OPEN%<iframe src="https://%RCM%/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=%TAG%&o=%MPLACE_ID%&p=8&l=as4&m=amazon&f=ifr&ref=ss_til&asins=%ASIN%" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>%LINK_CLOSE%
Should create the popup for iframe links.
I have created a Beta release of the plugin containing a first pass at some of your ideas:
The new features have to be added via the Extras settings page,
Redirect Plugin
Adds a facility to your WordPress domain to redirect links from
to the appropriate URL depending on your locale or settings.Changes the ‘shortcode’ to be of the form
<a class="amazon-link" title="%TITLE%" href="/al/%ASIN%%REF%?">%TEXT%</a>
Optionally changes the links generated when expanding the shortcode to be ‘redirection’ style links.
References Plugin
Adds a new settings page that allows you to construct and test a shortcode with multiple ASINs and save it into a database with a unique ‘ref’erence.
When parsing the shortcode it takes any reference and expands it using the shortcode arguments stored in the database, creating content and links based on the ones in the database.
e.g. a Reference called ‘jamies-italy’ with the content
a shortcode containing
e.g.[amazon ref=jamies-italy]
or<a class="amazon-link" title="Jamies Italy" href="/al/jamies-italy">Jamie's Italy</a>
will expand to a Multinational template using the appropriate ASIN for the locale.a Reference called ‘google’ with the content
Will generate a link to the appropriate Google sites including the popup.
The Redirect Plugin above will also redirect links of type /al/jamies-italy or /al/google to the appropriate site.
Good evening Paul,
That sounds like some awesome news! Before I install it: Is it safe to go on a production site? (you called it ‘beta’?)
And would you allow that I search its files for that ‘al’ prefix and change it to ‘go’, so that I don’t have to change thousands of links? (makes sense, hm)
What I already LOVE about your above description of the new Amazon Link plugin is the class=”amazon-link” thingy. If I understood it right this means that I and all other people can (continue to) upload pages/posts via csv importer, because we just add the class=”amazon-link” into our links! Beautiful ??Hi,
I have given it a reasonable test on my site, but obviously I’m not using the redirect links in anger – so the core plugin has had a good workout but have probably not covered every possible angle with the redirection style links.
Personally I would install it onto a test site first:
a) As this is only a first draft, and is a bit clunky in places, so would accept suggestions for changes.
b) It might not do what you want, I’ve probably made assumptions about things that don’t meet your expectations.
c) There are bound to be bugs lurking somewhere, its quite a lot of new functionalitye.g. I can image some sort of import / export facility would be useful for this aspect of the plugin. Currently I have only provided a manual method of creating the redirects.
Don’t worry the ‘redirect’ facility has an option on the main settings page to change the ‘/al/’ to a string of your choice. However the links are manually constructed to be of the form https://your.domain/<REDIRECT WORD>, so for example you couldn’t host the redirection on a different domain.
Yes the plugin will only attempt to interpret links in the post content if they have class=”amazon-link” at the start.
Be aware that if you have geoposty active and use the same redirection ‘stub’ of /go/ only one of the plugins is likely to redirect the links.
Updated my version so that if it can’t interpret the redirect it does not try and redirect to nowhere it just falls through.
On my site I get a 404, on your site it might allow the geoposty to have a go at interpreting the redirect.
Might make this an option (Fall through to ‘/go/unrecognised ref’ or Redirect to the ‘Home’ page).
Paul you misunderstood: I want to get rid of geoposty, better yday than today. Reason, as said, it’s live requests brake the whole site circa 4 times a DAY. Sure, it COULD be another reason, but I believe it’s geoposty.
Live IP checks just don’t make sense. A monthly or quarterly updated IP db is all you need. Like in your plugin.
So, I will NOT run both plugins parallel.
With you being the programmer, I think I can put it on the production site then.
But you say you’d appreciate suggestions, so I will play around heavily with it, hence I better do that on a test-sister-domain. Just need to set one up again…Will get back! ??
Edit: You forgot the link to the updated version Paul. Above is still only the link to
It was only a minor bug fix so I haven’t created a new Beta version, it is available from this link though:
Okay, I have started testing (all settings) and made a small suggestion list already. However, before I can continue you’d please need to solve a plugin issue:
Whenever the Amazon Link Extra References is active, post edit screens don’t work: they appear empty as if they had no content, you can’t switch between html and visual, and the page breaks where Add Amazon Link subwindow starts. Starts, because that one doesn’t open either. As said, post edit screens don’t work.
Once I deactivate this plugin, thankfully all is back to normal though.Oh, also the wp automatic submenu appearance when hovering over the left menu area doesn’t work when this plugin is active.
Yes, newest wp version.
Thanks Paul!
Actually, even if just Amazon Link is active, the WEBPAGES (so from a visitors perspective) are empty too. As if they had no content.
Once I deactivate Amazon Link, of course the content is back.
I removed it, and installed your last productive version, 3.04.
–> None of these problems ??4th and last for tonight:
your suggested %LINK_OPEN%…%LINK_CLOSE% around the whole iframe item
does not work, no popup showing.Hi,
Found a bug in the references plugin, it does not handle the case where you have no reference in the database. This caused a fatal error in my version preventing the rest of the page loading (including all the javascript to do the menus & HTML editor stuff).
I have fixed this.
The blank pages on the user side could be due to the redirect plugin misfiring, was this active at the time?
I have changed the main regex processing, but this might have caused the ‘content’ of the posts to be lost, but you should still have had the rest of the themes stuff (sidebar, menu, footer) Was this the case?
Might be the version of PHP (5.4) I’m using is higher than yours (5.2)? I’ll change the Regular expressions to be compatible with earlier versions of PHP.
THAT server is running PHP Version 5.2.10
>you should still have had the rest of the themes stuff (sidebar, menu, footer) Was this the case?
Yes, exactly! Only that it didn’t respond.
You haven’t said so, but can I assume I may download your corrected version from the same link you gave above?
I found TWO improvement suggestions already:
1) Amazon Link seems EITHER to show the ASINs in ALL locales, OR search links in ALL locales (depending on the chosen setting).
-> This doesn’t make sense to me: It should show the ASINs for all locales where the ASIN is working, and the search links only for all OTHER locales. (maybe you could use the API to live-check if the ASIN does work for a particular locale?)
Where a product is NOT available, it would be good if the price info shows “-” instead.
(btw, currently spain shows a “-” although the product is available right on the linked page! The other locales show nothing (which is fine too).2) Amazon Link seems not yet to consider that Amazon has “sister” companies: For our products for example, we show BOTH links (for UK): to Amazon and to Javari (their “sister”/sub). In the shortcode/Amazon link this is the part “&m=amazon” (or then, “&m=endless”,…).
But although I changed it there (making a copy shortcode), your plugin seems to turn the “https://%RCM%” bit into “https://amazon”? Not helpful.3) As said, the multinational popup seems buggy: For text links it shows up at the BOTTOM of the page (instead of where the user is: further up). And for iframe image links it doesn’t show up at all.
However, this third point isn’t crucial (the other two I’d say ARE), because you offer this “multinational TEMPLATE”, which doesn’t pop up but is always visible. It’s very easy (wonderful really!) to change the looks myself, so everyone can make the template as they like. Very cool, the other Amazon plugins don’t have this!
Hope this first feedback helps?
Just updated the plugin, so yes you can download it from:
Back to your other points…
1/ This is an area that needs updating.
It was designed for the simpler case of displaying a simple text link or maybe an image to the localised site. If on discovery that the product did not exist for the ‘localised’ visitor it would fall-back to displaying data from the ‘home/default’ locale. The theory being that displaying something was better than not displaying a localised version.
A while back I had a go at doing a ‘live’ check on all locales so that on the search page it would display availability next to the products before you put them into your posts. However it took several minutes just to display one page of search results (Its about 80 separate requests to the Amazon API to check all locales for 10 products!).
Now we have the cache I could think about adding this in for the links, however at the moment if the request to Amazon fails I do not add an entry to the cache – it could fail for a number of reasons so don’t want to cache failed lookups. So you would still get lots of live requests for all locales were the product did not exist.
I haven’t looked into the ‘sister’ sites at all, will give it some thought at the weekend, have to admit I didn’t know AbeBooks and BookDepository were Amazon owned!
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