Developer is here, thanks for your input, appriciated.
Depends on the version you are using, latest version on website currently,
You can edit top section in file /theme/blocks/content-top.php
just leave
at the top.
You can have the sidebar removed by downloading the pro version of theme (currently free for limited time), you’ll have a setting in customizer to select full width view in customizer.
the mega logo is defined in footer.php file with a function called
mega_get_credit_link( array( ‘right’ )),
just remove that.
4. in customizer you have front page settings, you have instructions overthere on how to setup the front page.
The background image and text are slides, they are defined in customizer > slider section.
The tabs on the slider is just an image.
Other areas on the front page are mostly widgets + few customizer settings, if you use the pro version of the theme you get +8 more widgets including the “Feature: Custom” widget, in the free version you only have the “Feature: Auto” widget, custom means you can insert your own content while auto means pulling it from pages/posts/categories, etc.