I disabled the plugin, I turned it back on for you and restarted redis from docker, everything seems to be connected now, but believe me, after 1 hour, the connection will be lost and the site will be incredibly slow.
Status: Connected
Client: PhpRedis (v5.3.7)
Drop-in: Valid
Disabled: No
Ping: 1
Errors: []
PhpRedis: 5.3.7
Relay: Not loaded
Predis: Not loaded
Credis: Not loaded
PHP Version: 8.0.26
Plugin Version: 2.2.2
Redis Version: 7.0.7
Multisite: No
Metrics: Enabled
Metrics recorded: 3
Filesystem: Working
Global Prefix: "H4H7x_"
Blog Prefix: "H4H7x_"
Global Groups: [
Ignored Groups: [
Unflushable Groups: []
Groups Types: {
"blog-details": "global",
"blog-id-cache": "global",
"blog-lookup": "global",
"global-posts": "global",
"networks": "global",
"rss": "global",
"sites": "global",
"site-details": "global",
"site-lookup": "global",
"site-options": "global",
"site-transient": "global",
"users": "global",
"useremail": "global",
"userlogins": "global",
"usermeta": "global",
"user_meta": "global",
"userslugs": "global",
"redis-cache": "global",
"counts": "ignored",
"plugins": "ignored",
"themes": "ignored",
"blog_meta": "global",
"wordfence": "ignored",
"wordfence-ls": "ignored"
Drop-ins: [
"advanced-cache.php v by ",
"maintenance.php v by ",
"Redis Object Cache Drop-In v2.2.2 by Till Krüss"