This requires a big explanation, but I will summarize.
Many themes/plugins need to store data in the database to keep certain settings with the configuration chosen by the administrators, I know that some plugins use the built-in WordPress functions to store temporary or persistent data, if you have some understanding of how the built-in function work you may guess what is happening here.
Basically what WordPress offers is a way to interact with the database using the posts table and separate the data per something that they call “Post Types” [1]. Entries in the posts table with a different post type do not appear in the posts/page interfaces, but plugins can use this data to do whatever they need to do with the functionality they provide.
An example or idea of what is happening with the deleted posts in your website is that you probably have one or more plugins that are inserting data in the posts table with a custom post type, the data seems to be used to store temporary information which is automatically deleted by the plugin itself after certain action is triggered, for example, there is a popular plugin that is widely used to provide the functionality of contact form, every time a person submits the form the data is stored in the database temporarily until the plugin sends it to an admin via email and then delete the entry from the posts table; same thing happens with another popular plugin used to provide the functionality of user feedback.
After explaining this I have to tell you that there is also the possibility that someone got access to your website and was deleting those posts; or that you have enabled the automatic deletion of old drafts which is also an option that WordPress offers.
There is no way I can give you a definitive answer to explain why those events were registered in the audit logs, unless I have access to your website to investigate, so take this as a grain of information so you can have at least some idea of what could be happening.