• Please, please, please can someone at least tell me if this is stupid question, or if I’m doing something wrong, or if it’s not possible to do, orif I’m just wasting my time and should just keep all my posts on one humongo page. I’ve searched and followed a bunch of threads but can’t get it working.

    I got the next/previous page links to show up after finding some tips on this forum. And, I’ve seen this problem in other threads where you go to a next or previous page but none of the solutions I see work and I still see the same posts on all pages.

    I’m using the $paged thing in my query_posts() as someone suggested like this:

    if (is_page()) {
    $paged = (get_query_var(‘paged’)) ? get_query_var(‘paged’) : 1;
    query_posts(“category_name=hpay-podcast&paged=$paged”);} ?>

    <?php $posts = get_posts(‘category_name=hpay-podcast&showposts=6’);
    foreach ($posts as $post) : start_wp(); ?>

    and then at the bottom of my template page I have:

    <div class=”alignleft”><?php posts_nav_link(”,”,’? PREVIOUS PAGE’) ?></div>
    <div class=”alignright”><?php posts_nav_link(”,’NEXT PAGE ?’,”) ?></div>

    Is there something I’m doing wrong here?

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  • If they have the same look … they must be using the same template file.

    take my name here At transycam dot net and send over a zipped package of that theme. I can’t believe it doesn’t work if you did it as I described it ??

    Thread Starter peteraltenberg


    Tried to send it to moshu at transycam dot net but bounced. Is that not the name?

    Oops, not M but N (typo, sorry): transycaN (as is CANada)

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