• scott66


    We are mapping Salesforce Contacts into WordPress. The Contacts are downloaded in Draft Mode and a cron job analyzes the contacts and publishes the Contacts that meet our requirements. If a contact remains in the Draft State for 30 days (or more), we delete the Post for that contact. After this occurs, the next sync records a field mapping error that indicates the mapping for the contact has been deleted.

    Would checking this box on the field mapping page force the mapping object to be deleted when the POST is deleted, but NOT delete the contact in SalesForce? The wording of the comment underneath it is unclear if it deletes just the mapping or if it would try to tell Salesforce to delete the contact. We do not want to impact the SalesForce system, just remove the WordPress POST for the contact and remove the mapping object for that contact.

    The other question is if we remove this mapping and they later update that contact, will the plugin download the contact again and create a corresponding WordPress POST for the contact? Or would it not download the contact because we removed the mapping.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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