Yes, it’s a crying shame that Quotes Collection appears to have been abandoned by its developer. It always had a problem, for years, with being able to show the “Previous” “Next” arrows. The developer didn’t seem able to solve it. I really wish somebody else would pick it up and fix it, because everything else about it is very very nice.
I too have noticed that the other quotes plugins are either abandoned or don’t measure up. I have started searching for an alternative: text slider plugins that I might be able to use as a quotes collection plugin. I’m currently experimenting with this one:
It claims to slide anything, including text and html. It seems possible that it can be made to work, but will take a lot of “engineering” at my end to create a nice quote format. The one big restriction I do see so far is that, unlike Quotes Collection which adapts to any size of quote, short or long, the slider will be confined to a particular size of display, so you can’t put longer quotes into it, they won’t show properly. But, you know, desperate, so I’m giving it a try.
Anyway. A lot of sliders out there, so a lot of experimentation still ahead. Post one if you come up with a good one.