• Hi, we have been using composite products successfully for a good few months. We have products that can be bought with accessories, and when a customer places an order, the order confirmation email showed one block, with the name of the product on the top line, then the name of the components on the second line – with one price next to it.

    Since we have updated to woocommerce 8.3 this morning, order confirmations are being sent with two blocks. Both blocks show the name of the product and also the name of the added component, but the top block shows the price of the product and component. With the second block showing just the price of the components only. If that makes sense?

    E.g. prior to woocommerce 8.3:

    Grass Reinforcement Mesh Lite (10mm) – 1m x 10m (#GMS018-110)
    Components: 1 × With 50 pins – £90.00

    Now, with woocommerce 8.3:

    Grass Reinforcement Mesh Lite (10mm) – 1m x 10m (#GMS018-110)
    Components: 1 × With 50 pins 1 £90.00
    Grass Reinforcement Mesh Lite (10mm) – 1m x 10m → With 50 pins (#GMS004-1) 1 £19.20

    In the example above, the cost of the product is £70.80 and the cost of the pins are £19.20 – (total cost of £90.00), so the second example makes it look a lot more confusing!

    Is anyone else experiencing the same? Is it something I need to change a setting for, or is this woocommerce related and so will need an update to the plug in to resolve?

    Thanks in advance!

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