• cattrin


    Managed to add the core wordpress components to a really great layout I found.
    I’m still putting a lot of content up, right now this is what I have working:
    photo book
    and guestbook

    I still have a bunch of things to add, but for now I just want to make sure I’m doing this correctly. Does anthing look wrong? Out of place? Anything I could possably add? Any help would be appreciated.


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  • jinsan


    Nice template – where did you “find” it ?? I’m not sure about the splash page – click here to enter; I’m not a particular fan of having to enter a site “twice” as it were. I like the hover you’ve used, was that all in CSS or did you use JS for that? It’s minimalist, but content might brighten it up a bit, as it is bit flat, but in a good way (of that makes sense!). How about adding a few more shades, it might give it more colour.

    The menu on the left is a touch cluttered I think, perhaps some spacing there or small buttons?



    Yeah, I’d have to agree with Jinsan: lose the splash screen.

    Nice template though and I think the glow effect you’ve got is pretty cool. The only other thing I’d suggest would be to give the text a little more contrast. Currently, it’s a little too light for my weary eyes. ??

    Thread Starter cattrin


    Thanks ?? I’ll see what I can do. I actually found the layout here: https://angelic-essence.com/
    It has some great ones. They even come with php includes already set up, to make for easy management (and possably skin selections in the near future. ?? ) I should be able to darken up the font a tad.

    The hovers are in css, I try and make my site as xml compatable as possable. The only java is for the bookmark option. The images might be hard to make deeper, since it’s all sliced up and the only psd that came with it was the title bar.

    I’ll go ahead and dump the splash… It does get redundant a bit anyways ?? Thanks for the help.




    yeah my only comment is to repeat davincim… I think it’s great good calm/cool color choice but the terxt looks a wee bit “washed out” I would recommend darkening it a shade or two to make it pop a little more…but not too much then you’ll lose that whole Zen vibe you’ve got going… if you could find a place to incorporate the butterfly from the splash page that would be sweet… I like that button

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