Sure — if you click on “Live Traffic” on the Wordfence menu, you should see a list of visits. When CloudFlare is used, multiple users may appear with the same IP address, which is actually a CloudFlare server, instead of the actual visitor’s IP. The easiest way to test that the IP addresses are coming through correctly is to open a second browser, and visit a few pages on the site. (For example, if you are logged in to the site in Chrome, open FireFox or Safari.) Then, on the Live Traffic page, you should see your own IP address on the All Hits tab.
If you have Live Traffic disabled in Wordfence, you will only see a “Logins and Logouts” tab. In this case, if you open a different browser and log in and log out again, you should see those events on the Live Traffic page, with your own IP address.
If you don’t know your computer’s current public IP address, you can google “my ip”, and the address shown should match what you see on the Live Traffic page for your own visits, if everything is working correctly.
The Live Traffic page takes a few seconds to show new visits, but could take longer depending on your settings — if you don’t see the visits immediately, you can refresh the page.
Let us know if you need anything else!
-Matt R