• Hi,

    I want my website to always use cookies, unless the user click the disable/refuse button.
    Currently (with this plugin) the cookies are only working when the user clicks the accept button.

    How can I do that?


    Kind regards,

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  • I need that also to know

    An option for this functionality in Cookie Notice configuration would be great. And it still might be compatible with E-Privacy-Regulation (coming 2019).

    Cookie notice at eur-lex.europa.eu (linked to E-Privacy-Regulation Procedure) is working this way! This is the official website of the European Union.

    When this option (“Allow cookies on pageload”) is set:

    • tracking is already implemented on page load
    • accepting Cookie Notice sets “cookie_notice_accepted” to true and hides notice bar – but actually this doesn’t have any further functionality as scripts are already loaded
    • refusing Cookie Notice sets “cookie_notice_accepted” to false and deactivates/deletes already set Cookies and refuses the loaded scripts. Webpage probably has to be loaded new.
    • not clicking anything: this might conflict with “On scroll” functionality.

    Also this is related to Enable cookies after refusing as you would have to deactivate already set cookies when using the refuse shortcode.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by josch87.


    If I understand it correctly, for a website to be GDPR compliant, all non functional script are NOT ALLOWED to track at all, unless and until the user hits the “agreed” button to be GDPR compliant.

    I wonder if by GDPR law it would be ok to still gather their data on first hit, even when it states it will be deleted as soon as they hit ” not agreed”?


    First of all I must say that I am no lawyer and do my research to the best of my knowledge and belief.

    You are right. The collection of PERSONAL DATA is only allowed when there is a legitimate interest for that data (47) [which is not given at this point] or that the consent is “freely given” (32) [when people refuse, they must still be able to have full access to the service]. (GDPR)

    In court decision from 24. November 2011 (Az. C-70/10) the European Court of Justice said, that IP address are personal data. Thus, IP address have to be anonymizised for tracking since then. They have relied, inter alia, on 2002/58 / EC (E-Privacy-Directive from 2002).

    In consequence Google Analytics for example added the function anonymizeIP. It is only legal to track anonymized data right now and in Germany everybody is doing it that way. I don’t know how it is handled in other EU-Country.

    I would love to keep tracking anonymized data already on pageload. I am allowed to do so still with GDPR, as far as I know. And also before GDPR I am committed to provide an opt-out link (in privacy policy).

    Maybe E-Privacy-Regulation will go into detail with this in 2019.

    HI Josh,

    Same here, no layer, doing my own research to the best of my knowledge :-).

    Actually, if you use the anonymizeIP, uncheck the “share with Google” and accept the “Google processor agreement in analytics, you do not even need to ask concent, it is in that case, enough to just mention you are using that and that it is completely anonymized.

    You do not need to block the analytics code in that case.


    Summary of Google’s Advice:
    If you use these Advertising features in GA, you must request explicit consent. If you do not, then you don’t.

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