• Resolved vi54


    Hello there. This plugin really comes in handy for a test project. A client of mine wants to test if there is a market for an idea he has so toying about with a great and free plugin is absolutely great.

    We do have a couple of questions.

    1. Would it be possible to provide a small text field to add a title? Some of our users are confused what the icons mean. Regardless of the fact the icons speak for itself ??

    2. What do I need to do to also display the allergene list on the product overview loop? The page where the shop holds all the products. It would be great to see the allergens there. As it is good user experience.

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  • Anonymous User 17720058


    1.: Yes of course. Please click here for example code for implementation:
    The complete – original – code that you can use here can be found in the plugins / allergens-list / libs / hooks.php file. If that doesn’t work, tell me and I’ll put out a sample program specifically for you.

    2 .: It would help for an accurate answer if I saw the page where you use it.
    If I think so, what you would need is a short code in which you can also enter the product ID. Am I correct?
    Or would you need a filter on the same principle?

    Anonymous User 17720058


    I quickly did two things for you that can help you:
    [allergens id="<$product_id>"]
    $html = apply_filters('allergens_list_html_with_id', $product_id);

    The new version (1.13) that includes it is now available for download.
    Please don’t forget to rate the plugin!

    Thread Starter vi54


    That is just absolutely stunning! Thank you!!!

    Rated and happy! ??

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