all worksperfect but in the email I don't get any info about subscribe checkbox?
I have a simple C7 contact form. It includes a mail chimp subscription box. Everything works perfectly, people get confirmation mail and are added to the mail chimp list. I also get email saying the form was filled and it shows the various fields that were filled.
My only issue is that in the email it does not show any mail chimp field telling me if the user checked or unchecked the subscribe box.
The only way I find out is by going to my Mailchimp list or looking at the WP dashboard message inside Flamingo plugin.
Is it by design that M4WP does not pass this info in the email I receive?
My C7 form with MC4WP code looks like this-
<p>Your Name (required)<br /> [text* your-name] </p> <p>Your Email (required)<br /> [email* your-email] </p> <p>Subject<br /> [text your-subject] </p> <p>Your Message<br /> [textarea your-message] </p> <p>[submit "Send"]</p> [mc4wp_checkbox "Subscribe to our E-Newsletter, we won't be spamming you."]
The email I get when the above form is filled looks like this-
From: Obama Bush <[email protected]> Subject: I am the president Message Body: Bow to me. -- This e-mail was sent from a contact form on.....
Note no mention of MC4WP in th email I receive.
Thanks for your help.
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