• Hello
    I had this problem and no response on the web.
    So i found a way to be able to select only one group for a user

    Install the plugin: User Role Editor

    Do theses steps in the good order !!! There are bugs if not

    – Create a XXX role with “User Role Editor” and choose the rights you want
    – Create a XXX group in UAM and just select XXX user type (role) you juste created
    – Create a XXX user and select its XXX role and validate

    Then, you will see that the user has the group XXX assigned, without being able to change it, and the other groupe can or not be selected.

    BUT: if the you try to change things in UAM groups, things weared happen.

    Have fun !

    PS: one of the problems is that if we select 2 user type (roles) in a group of UAM, it is not possible to desect it.


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