Howdy NighTChill!
Thanks for giving our plugin a try. I understand you don’t like the rich snippets data that gets displayed in your post. However Google strongly recommends to have it clearly visible to the user.
Here is the reference of it –
Q: My site has a very specific design and the information that I would like to display in the rich snippets will ruin it. Could I hide it from my site visitors somehow, making it available only to Googlebot?
A: It can be tempting to add all the content relevant for a rich snippet in one place on the page, mark it up, and then hide the entire block of text using CSS or other techniques. Don’t do this! Google will not show content from hidden div’s in Rich Snippets.
Link –
If you do not wish to display rich snippet data but want to appear in search results with rich snippets, you will need to learn & add code in HTML of your posts manually.