Hi @shanedelierrr
Sorry, I don’t think I’m going to be much help. That is, I have activated the SCRIPT_DEBUG mode as you mentioned in the wp-config.php file and the only errors that have been recorded in the debug.log file are from a plugin that has nothing to do with it and is not currently active. The file does not contain any further information.
Unfortunately, I do not currently control my server’s “error.log” file. I changed hosting providers at the beginning of the year, and the error.log file has not been generated since then. At the time they told me that it was because the new server records the errors in other different files, but I have not found anything related to your plugin in the new files that they indicated to me. I don’t know if it’s because I’m using diagnostic mode.
The only thing I can say is that with the diagnostic mode active and absolutely all plugins disabled, and only activating Solid Security and WordPress WPO Tweaks & Optimizations, the Solid Security menus are blank. When I disable WPO, this menus start to appear. That is, in the tests I do not have the caching system active, nor anything else at all other than those two plugins, and my WordPress theme (I also tried with the Twenty Twenty-Three WordPress theme, to try)