• We recently moved this website to our server. However, only the homepage and blog page are working. Whenever you click any of the other navigation links, the blog page is displayed with the page name still displayed in the address bar. Any help would be appreciated.


    I have tried disabling all plug ins, deactivating permalinks, and restoring wordpress core files. All of this has not fixed the problem.

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  • does your theme have a page.php template?

    if not, is index.php edited in any way to select certain posts or change the query or loop?

    do any of the function files (like functions.php) contain any 'pre_get_posts' action codes?

    does the same happen if you temporarily switch to the default theme Twetny Fifteen?

    have you checked https://docs.woothemes.com/document/saving-grace/ ?

    please contact the developer of your theme for help with your problem.

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