• My URL is https://writemindopenheart.com.

    My post yesterday never appeared in Twitterfeed, on Facebook, or in any of my subscriber’s Readers, nor was it crawled by any spiders/robots (or whatever the correct name is for the crawlers).

    I’ve been using the FD Feedburner plugin for over a year with no trouble. I’m using WP version 3.3.1, and the feed validates fine. I have not tinkered lately, either.

    The update services in my Settings => Writing are

    I’ve checked with my host (no apparent issues) and Feedburner does not indicate it’s having issues. However, I can no longer see the new interface, which told if there were issues with one’s specific feed. There’s nothing about this in Feedburner forums.

    Any ideas on diagnosing or fixing? I tried deleting the old post and putting up a new one, and waiting overnight in case there was just a wrinkle working itself out in Feedburner.

    Thank you.

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  • Thread Starter lavenderluz


    I have also resynched my feed with Feedburner and done the “Nuclear Option.” It seems like WP is not telling Feedburner that I have a new post up.

    Your feed validates but appears to be encoded as “UTF-8”, but your server is reporting “US-ASCII”.

    You also have a lot of errors, https://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3a%2f%2fwritemindopenheart.com%2f and there are a couple of javascript errors.

    Hard to say what the problem might be. Clean up as many errors as you can and then try the basic debug . . .

    – deactivating all plugins (yes, all) to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s). If you can’t get into your admin dashboard, try resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems. Also remember to deactivate any plugins in the mu-plugins folder if you have one. The easiest way is to rename that folder to mu-plugins-old.

    – switching to the Twenty Eleven theme to rule out any theme-specific problems. If you can’t log in to change themes, you can remove the theme folders via FTP so the only one is twentyeleven. That will force your site to use it.

    Thread Starter lavenderluz


    Thank you, K!

    I see all those feed validation errors now, and some of them have to do with some script that is in the sponsored post that I couldn’t get recognized by the crawlers.

    But taking out the script didn’t solve the problem. However, deactivating all the plugins did. My new post is now being seen, and I’m adding back in the plugins, with the exception of the ones that had new versions come out this past week.

    I am very very grateful for your help. Thank you so much!



    Did you ever figure out which plugin was causing the problem? I’m having the same issue and can’t for the life of me figure out which plugin is causing the feed not to update.

    Thread Starter lavenderluz


    Hello, techguy.

    I think I have the culprits narrowed down to Social Slider and Share and Follow. Do you have either of those?



    Nope. Although, I just disabled all my plugins which jacked up my rewrite rules. So, I copied the rewrite rules back into my .htaccess file and the rss worked again. I’ve enabled all the plugins again. We’ll see if one of them still causes problems. That’s the next test on my list.



    Looks like it was WP Super Cache causing the problem. I had the same issue again, but then disabled it and it worked. Then, I started digging into WP Super Cache’s config and it looks like I had to change it from “Use PHP to serve cache files.” to “Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files.” and I think it’s working now.

    I still need to test a bit more, but I need some new posts to be created to really test it.

    Thread Starter lavenderluz


    Ahhh….I still have W3 Total Cache deactivated. I never could get it configured right and don’t really miss it. Maybe THAT was the guilty plugin!

    Thanks for reporting back ??



    W3 will cause the same issue. I saw some tutorial in my searches on how to make an exception in it so it doesn’t do it for feeds.

    Side Note: Sounds like you need to drive more traffic so that you will miss a caching plugin.

    Thread Starter lavenderluz


    Yes, I would love more traffic. To be honest, I’m not sure what a caching plugin does. Speeds up my site?

    Would more traffic make me miss it?

    Evidenced by more than just your name, you’re much more techie than I am.



    A caching plugin can speed up your site, but more importantly if your site gets linked by a HUGE site and sends 10,000 people clicking to your site at the same time a caching plugin will make it so your site survives. Search for slashdot effect or digg effect and you’ll see why it matters.

    Of course, if you never get a huge amount of traffic to your site, then it won’t matter.


    Thread Starter lavenderluz


    Well, now. I started this thread and I like the way you’re hijacking it because you just taught me something!

    I don’t think I’ll be needing that kind of capacity any time soon. A gal can dream though.

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