• I just instaled wordpress and filled it with content, but when anyone visits the site ALL the content is diplayed and all the posts are wide open – which grately increses load times. I dont really want all the content to try and load up staright away.
    Can any one help me fix this? I went through the settings but I couldn’t find anything that stoped it.

    Many thanks.

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  • admin – Settings – Reading
    specifies how many posts on front page.
    you can also split posts with a “read more”

    Thread Starter inzanem


    Hi, thanks but I tried that. The setting you mentioned in the >reading section makes every page on the blog only display one post, even if the category the post is in has more than one post in it. So this kinda renders the category section useless.

    I just need one introductory post to display when a user comes to my site and not all of the posts at once.

    Many thnaks.

    then you might consider a static front page

    Thread Starter inzanem


    Hi, okay thanks, I thought there might be a simpler way like adjusting a setting or something.
    Surly my site would be penalised by the SE’s for having such a slow loading page if I left wordpress as it is.

    Anyhow to get my site how I want it, it looks like I will have to read the static page article! damn it!

    Thanks for your help

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