• Resolved lucyq


    I uploaded a new theme ‘club-yellow-10’ and got it working somewhat successfully but it was doing something strange. So I decided to download the theme from a different source (in case there were bugs in the previous) and uploaded it. While I was there, I attempted to get rid of some old themes that I wasn’t going to use. Well, following that, none of the saved themes, including the new one, worked. Instead I kept getting this msg every time I clicked on a theme or clicked on my url:

    This theme is released under creative commons licence, all links in the footer should remain intact

    and nothing else appears!

    Following that I uploaded wp 2.7.1 in the hope that it would clear previous problems. No such luck though. Also, I see the same wp folders (eg wordpress, wp-admin, wp-content, wp-themes) in several sub-folders. I’d love to be able to just have one set of the wp folders in one place but dare not do it myself for fear of moving/losing the wrong files.

    Can you help me with any of this??? My blog has been down for 2 days now and I would love to get it back online. Its url is:


    Thanks so much. Lucy

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  • Samuel B


    contact me and I’ll look at it
    [contact made – email removed]

    Samuel B


    the resolution was to go into the database and replace references to “club yellow” theme with “default”
    this allowed site to come back up

    Dear Samboll, I “obtained” the same message from my blog, when I tried to customise my blogs footer:
    “This theme is released under creative commons licence, all links in the footer should remain intact”. And everything became blank.
    Would you mind to help me, please?
    I appreciate very much your understanding.
    Millions of thanks.

    did you try to delete theme?
    if so, did you try installing it again? then switch to another?
    if you really need help leave a way for me to contact you

    Help!! I have the exact same problem as lucyq did! I did not edit the footer (so new to all of this I just learned what a footer was). Everything was fine (2.8.4) until this evening when I tried to preview a theme in my admin that I had just installed a few minutes previous, a theme by Ophelia Nicholson called “Wood”. There appeared that message, “This theme is released under creative commons license, all links in the footer should remain intact.” I just figured it was not compatible or something, and tried to preview another one that I had been thinking of, that had previously worked, “Liberty”, and was able to preview it for a moment, then, when I went, well, everywhere, front, back, etc., nothing worked. I can’t even work in my admin area now. What do I do! God has helped me every step of the way, so I am anxious to find out what the root of the problem is. Until then, I will be patient. Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you so much.

    Update here. Well, I went into my ftp and deleted that theme, and got my site all back in tack, except, now I am getting that message,”This theme is released under creative commons license, all links in the footer should remain intact,” when I try and click the RSS button. Hmmm. It happens when I select the default theme (not the blue one), or the Liberty Theme. And again, I promise you I have never messed with anyone’s footer.

    hi samboll,

    next post, same problem ??

    if i understand it right, i have no option to change the footer.php to the old version but i have to remove the whole theme via ftp?

    i made a lot of small customizing at the theme.

    will it all be done again, if i remove the templat?

    thanks in advance for your help


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