• Our site’s homepage is live, but the links are broken. This is the message we get:

    Page Not Found

    The page you tried to access does not exist on this server. This page may not exist due to the following reasons:

    You are the owner of this web site and you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information.
    The URL that you have entered in your browser is incorrect. Please re-enter the URL and try again.
    The Link that you clicked on incorrectly points to this page. Please contact the owner of this web site to inform them of this situation.

    Not sure where to go from here.

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  • Are you using pretty url? If so, are you sure you have .htaccess file in your wordpress directory?

    If you don’t have .htaccess file means, or you don’t have rewrite rules allowed in your webserver, you might experience this problem.

    Thread Starter marcshoe


    Ho do I know if I’m using pretty url? ??

    Jason King


    Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks – is it set to default or something friendler?

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