• Hello, I assume this has to do with changes I made in Options/ General. I set two different URIs for WP and blog address in order to have the blog show up at the root of my domain.

    I have also copied and changed index.php accordingly and dropped it into the root.

    So far so good.

    I then worked on the Permamlinks feature and created my .htaccess file which I dropped into the /wordpress/ folder where the script is, not at the root of my domain.

    And all hell broke lose. Calendar links are broken, links to post are also 404. In addition, I created a custom prefix for my category URI and it is also 404… Should I create the real folder as well in the tree of my server or does WP create this custom prefix as a folder automatically upon new postings?

    I read the last 10 pages of this forum and I am at a loss… Please help. Thanks.

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  • I would first reverse all that you did, and get the blog workin, albeit from the directory you don’t want.

    Have you followed this ?

    Thread Starter wpbob


    Thanks. Yes, podz. That is exactly what I did. The blogs works and I can post but none of the links created connects to anything in the archive or the calendar or the comments… According to the rewrite rules permalinks are created correctly, such as,


    but when clicking on this, I get a 404.
    This is what I can’t understand. There SHOULD be something on that link…

    Thread Starter wpbob


    One more thing.

    I just nuked the permalink structure, so nothing custom and EVEN when the .htaccess file still resides at the root of my domain, now ALL links work perfectly. Except of course, that they all have the ugly query string…

    so somewhere in the process of creating custom URIs for permalinks links get broken…

    Maybe I should add /wordpress/ to the URIs I create…. since all links are now from root.

    Moderator James Huff


    Just out of curiosity, is your .htaccess file blank? Once you created your permalink structure, WP should have given you some code to put in that .htaccess file. The only way that a .htaccess file would cause 404s after “correctly” setting permalinks, and work find after removing permalink values, would be if it’s blank.


    Thread Starter wpbob


    Hi macmanx. No, it’s not blank. In fact, it is now working although not as I would have wished. In my last experiment I created this permalink structure:


    And I left blank the custom prefix for category URI.

    It created an .htaccess file which I uploaded to my root and now ALL links work and they DO NOT have query strings BUT…

    they look like this:


    If I could only get rid of the ugly /index.php/ in the middle of the URL…

    I had the same problem. Find the original location of your .htaccess file and change the permissions/CHMOD to 666. That should solve your problem – it did mine. Alternatively, you can add the code that WordPress 1.5 gives you at the bottom of the page, after you update your permalink structure, to your .htaccess file. either way, your problem should be solved quickly. Hope this helped.

    I’m getting 404’s when trying to access my catagories. I just set up the blog today and updated my .htaccess file with the information provided when I put in permalink instructions. I did CHMOD to 666 and entered the information and then left .htaccess writeable. (Not sure if this is good to do, or necessary).

    When I’m getting the 404, WP is attempting to access
    /blog/catagory and there is no “catagory” folder that has been created. Isn’t WP supposed to do this, or am I?

    I’m not a programmer and pretty confused! Can anyone help?

    Do you know for sure that your host supports mod_rewrite?

    Well I’m a reseller and have access to Cpanel (and WHM). I physically changed the CHMOD attributes and insert code into the .htaccess file.

    Is supporting mod_rewrite a feature I need to check with them on? I just figured I could “do everything” with “all access”. Is it something I can enable through the WHM?

    I guess the answer is: no, I don’t know for sure. I will check!

    I just checked. Yes, my host supports mod_rewrite and said I could change my .htaccess with no problem….

    Any ideas?

    Well my standard suggestion always to start over.
    Go to Options->Permalinks
    Empty the text field for “Structure” and “Category Base”
    Click on “Update Permalink Structure”
    Delete .htaccess
    Make sure all links work at this point
    Go to Options->Permalinks
    Fill “Structure” with the rule
    Click on “Update Permalink Structure”
    Update .htaccess

    I am absolutely ripping my hair out!

    I followed those instructions (thank you) and when I removed everything, all links work perfectly. When I re-did the permalink & catagory options, it was the same all over again. All 404’s on accessing catagories and individual posts.

    Could it be my syntax in the permalink? I’m using:
    Structure: /%post_id%/%postname%/
    Catagory base:/catagory/

    I’ve tried it with and without the catagory base. Does WP create the directory for the catagory base, or does it already need to exist?

    Any ideas what in the world could be going on??? Does anyone do consulting???????

    If you give me access to your FTP and wordpress, I’ll take a look at it to make sure you already did it properly.

    alphaoide at gmail d o t com

    mod_rewrite allows a number of features. Even if it is loaded, does not mean it supports all the features. You could probably email your host the .htaccess file to make sure that url rewrite is allowed.

    I am having the same problem.
    Running WP1.5 at godaddy.com

    my blog is https://www.kalimpong.info

    I had it setup and working just perfect about 3-4 months ago. The permalinks were working fine and everything was chugging along nicely.

    Then one fine day I discovered that ALL my links were broken, – the categories, the archives, the “pages”, even the individual posts. All sent me to 404.

    I checked my site and found that the .htaccess file was missing (????) and I SWEAR I didnt remove it. In fact all I’ve done with the blog in the past 4 months is add posts, no tweaking at all.

    Anyway, I tried creating one thru the permalink thing and it didnt happen, altho the .htaccess file was 666. So i pasted the rules into .htaccess (without whitespaces) and it still doesnt work.

    My guess is that godaddy(host) has removed mod_rewrite .. is there any way to check it using my phpinfo file?? I’ve asked them if they still have mod_rewrite but they havent gotten back to me.

    I would appreciate any help out here please. I used to have all the time to play about and figure out this stuff when I started off but now I do not have the time (or patience) to relearn/reconfigure my blog.

    The funny thing is that it used to work fine and I didnt change anything – so maybe something broke at the hosting end..

    Someone please help.

    My guess is that godaddy(host) has removed mod_rewrite .. is there any way to check it using my phpinfo file??

    Yes, you should see it on the phpinfo page in the Apache section, under loaded modules.

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