• I am having issues with the importer not importing all the images within a post. The import isn’t timing out or running out of memory it just doesn’t seem to be importing all images. I have tried removing the posts and importing again several times without success.

    I am seeing these errors when it imports:
    Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /wp-content/plugins/blogger-importer/blogger-importer.php on line 696

    Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /wp-content/plugins/blogger-importer/blogger-importer.php on line 700

    Even though I have updated to 4.4, I was having the issue in 4.3.1 also.


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  • Exactly the same issue here.


    Precisely the same issue as OP. 4.3.1 and 4.4 are not bringing in any images.

    Same 2 lines of warnings.

    Has anyone come up with temporary workarounds even?

    Oh dear i need to import the blog with images now!

    I’m having this issue too. Posts come in fine, however all the images are blank.

    I get a ton of these errors on import:

    Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /wp-content/plugins/blogger-importer/blogger-importer.php on line 700


    To resolve this issue for now I downloaded an older version of WP (4.1) and replaced the files on my server, effectively downgrading wordpress to an older version. Then I used the import tool with no problems and simply upgraded wordpress again after that.

    Not very practical, but it worked.



    I can confirm that Matt’s suggestion worked. I just installed WP 4.1 on a throwaway subdomain, deleted the default page and post that are created when WP is installed then imported my client’s blogger XML file. Then I exported the new site with “All Content” selected and imported it into the client’s WP 4.4.2 site. All posts, images and comments were imported into the new site.

    Matt, thanks for making this suggestion. It was a lifesaver!



    Doesnt work for me, but it did import more images then before

    The problem appears to be that $description is no longer being supplied to the import_image() function in blogger-importer.php

    To work around, in this file look for the line
    $att_id = media_handle_sideload($file_array, $post_id, $description, array('post_excerpt' => $description));

    and just before this add

    if ($description === '' || $description === null){
    	$description = $new_name;

    This will check to see if $description is blank and if so set the description to the short filename.

    Andrew’s fix right above prevents the error that was preventing the image import. Good Job.

    Andrew’s fix allowed some of my images to import, but not all of them. I’d guess I only got maybe 1/3 of them. I’m not a techie, and had to have my programmer-husband babysit me through Andrew’s fix (I actually did ok!). Would it be smarter to just manually upload the remaining 100-200 images, or wait for a fix, or look for some other alternative? I can’t figure out how to get an older version of wordpress. I’m coming off of Blogger, so I’m basically a big dummy right now. Help? I really don’t have a budget to hire anyone and want to learn to cope with this, but am pretty lost.

    Same as Matt – I needed to downgrade to 4.1. I first deleted (permanently) all of the Blogger posts that had been imported during my first attempt (approximately 10% of the images had successfully moved over but all the text was there). I then downgraded to 4.1, imported again (successfully – all images accounted for, yay!) – and then updated to 4.5.2 right afterwards.

    I can confirm that andrewreal solutions worked for me. Can the plugin author please update the code for this plugin.

    I also can confirm that Andrew’s fix works.

    Another call to update the plugin, if you would be so kind…!

    Plugin Contributor Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    An update to this plugin is coming, however in the meantime, you can try the Development Version listed on this page:


    That version should have the fix for the image issues.

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