• Hey – thanks for this plugin!

    Unfortunately, we’re having a couple of issues.

    One major one is that categories are disappearing after a while. Our calendars are fed from several ICS feeds. After a duration of time, they’re lost, and it seems the category colors get lost.

    Secondly, I’m noticing that some events are a day behind, and it appears to be all day events. For instance, if something is scheduled for December 19th all day, it will display as December 18th.

    Finally, and this one is minor, the print icon is is set for “display:none;”

    You can view this on our website at https://www.dsdk12.net/calendars/

    Any ideas here? This is the free upgrade to the premium version.


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  • Thread Starter hewbert


    I should mention that I’ve removed all data from the plugin to troubleshoot. I uninstalled and verified the database tables were removed.


    Not sure if you are an end user or not, but this is what I found.

    I experienced the problem with events seeming to run a day behind when developing my custom WordPress theme. I was retrieving date and time information for events from the plug in using the ai1ec helper class, using $ai1ec_events_helper->get_event and $ai1ec_events_helper->get_medium_time which returned the correct day for me prior to the most recent AI1EC update, but had started to return the previous day’s date after.

    By changing the time on the event, one hour at a time, I was able to pinpoint the hour at which the day would roll over to the correct day. For me, this turned out to be the difference between my server’s location time zone and GMT. Once I had that bit of information, I dug through ai1ec_events_helper some more and realized that I could try calling $ai1ec_events_helper->gmt_to_local on the result I was getting from get_medium_time. Problem solved.


    Will you please tell me exactly which file you made this update in? I’ve been looking through the editor for the plugin and I haven’t found the code yet. Thanks!

    The categories disappearing from feed calendars is a known bug with the cron update system. See

    recent response:

    earlier report from end of the summer

    I think there are other posts as well. Fix is promised in 1.9. I’ve been trying to debug this myself, since doing daily manual refreshes is not practical. But chasing this bug has not been easy, since it requires triggering the wp-cron. If anyone knows how to make it happen more often than hourly, that would help!

    If I figure it out, I’ll post a patch.

    I think I figured out a patch for disappearing categories. In app/plugins/Ai1ecIcsConnectorPlugin.php, change the cron method to start with:

    function cron()
                 global $wpdb,

    I just made the $ai1ec_app_helper global and then called its create_post_type() method to register the taxonomy ‘events_categories’. This is normally registered by the plugin elsewhere, but I am assuming that the way wp-cron.php runs the plugin cron job, it never gets registered.

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