• Using ACF on this site.

    Following your lead, I am using this in functions.php:

    add_filter('rtwp_filter_wordcount', 'up_the_count');
    function up_the_count($count) {
      $ACFcount = array(
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_field('flexible_content', $post->ID) )),
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_sub_field('content', $post->ID) )),
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_field('__news_related_group', 'option') )),
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_sub_field('editable_text', $post->ID) )),
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_field('editable_text', $post->ID) )),
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_sub_field('editable_text') )),
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_field('editable_text') )),
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_field('image_desktop', $post->ID) )),
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_field('subtitle', $post->ID) )),
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_sub_field('title', $post->ID) )),
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_sub_field('description', $post->ID) )),
    	count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_field('related_content', $post->ID) )),
      foreach($ACFcount as $words) {
        $count += $words;
      return $count;

    Still not working correctly – all time is under 1 min. Any thoughts on this?



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  • Thread Starter er777


    So I created a small snippet to check the content on that page.. get a word count, and do some math to get the mins

    php if( have_rows('flexible_content') ):
    while ( have_rows('flexible_content') ) : the_row();
    if( get_row_layout() == 'editable_text' ):
    $the_content = wp_strip_all_tags( get_sub_field('editable_text', $post->ID) );
    $word_count = count( preg_split( '/\s+/', $the_content ) );
    $reading_time = $word_count / 200;
    echo $reading_time;

    And this is the only way to return the value of an ACF nested field.. it’s inside the check for that parent field… doesn’t work

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by er777.

    The second snippet returns a word count… because the ACF get_field is in it’s parent field, a flexible content type… but get_sub_field(‘editable_text’) doesn’t return anything outside of that if/while statement check… so, it cannot be used standalone to get a word count to be added to Reading Time..

    if( have_rows('flexible_content') ):
        while ( have_rows('flexible_content') ) : the_row();
            if( get_row_layout() == 'editable_text'):
    $the_content = wp_strip_all_tags(     get_sub_field('editable_text', $post->ID));
    $word_count = count(preg_split('/\s+/',$the_content ) );
            $reading_time = $word_count / 200;
            echo $reading_time; <- this will return a value for $reading_time and $word_count

    So, how can someone inject the value of an ACF child or nested field, like those of Flexible Content or Repeaters into Reading Time?

    add_filter('rtwp_filter_wordcount', 'up_the_count');
    function up_the_count($count) {
      $ACFcount = array(
    ** THIS NEXT LINE IS A FIELD FROM A FLEXIBLE CONTENT TYPE, it doesn't return a value (because it's outside of the if/when statement for the parent). This is the field we need the value from, and other sub_fields.	
        count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_sub_field('editable_text', $post->ID) ))
      foreach($ACFcount as $words) {
        $count += $words;
      return $count;

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by revive. Reason: update code example


    I came across this post, stating you have to wrap the Reading Time code in the ACF repeater field.. to get the value of the sub_field!
    What if you have 10 repeater / Flexible Content fields.. you would really need to run loops for each one?

    Is there no way to check the sub_field count aside from doing this??

    Ok, given the 3 yr old post regarding getting counts for ACF sub_fields, and no new info up to this point.. I’ve put this together and it works, if a little bloated IMHO. ??
    But, it DOES count sub_fields for every flexible content if you include the IF check and WHILE loop for that flexible content field.

    //  Word Count support for ACF sub_fields 
    add_filter('rtwp_filter_wordcount', 'up_the_count');
    function up_the_count($count) {
      $field_count =0;  // set the field_count to 0
        if( have_rows('flexible_content') ):                        // flexible content field type IF
          while ( have_rows('flexible_content') ) : the_row();      // flexible content field WHILE loop
            if( get_row_layout() == 'editable_text' ):              // flexible content layout 
              $field_count += count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_sub_field('editable_text', $post->ID) )); // flexible content sub_field 
            elseif( get_row_layout() == 'related_content' ):                                           // another flexible content layout
              $field_count += count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_sub_field('title', $post->ID) ));        // flexible content sub_field 
              $field_count += count( preg_split('/\s+/', get_sub_field('content', $post->ID) ));      // flexible content sub_field 
      $count += $field_count;  // adding the field_count to count
      return $count;          // returning the count 
    Plugin Author Jason Yingling


    @revive I think you approach there is probably the best to get things up and running.

    Could also look at using the ACF get_fields() or get_field_objects() functions to get all of the fields for a certain post, but you’d still need to loop through everything those return.



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