• Hello to everybody.

    I set up my blog on a free server, and they had problems to display the top banner if the site was using scripts, thus the banner did not showed on my site and everything was working perfect.

    Now they made an upgrade, installed the function to show the banner on script pages, and my blog is no showing correctly.

    My site is https://www.elpalitodeabollarideologias.tk

    The banner is like located -on- the site, and not above it, so it brings some problems with the display.

    I think that re-aligning the theme will solution this, allowing the appropiate space to the banner. But I don’t how to do it, or which files to edit and how.

    If someone could point me in the right direction, it will be helpful.

    Thanks in advance and sorry for bothering you with what can be a very simple question. The reality is that I have no idea on how to fix it ??

    Best regards
    El s??tiro

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  • hi elsatiro,
    if I view your site in IE and FF it seems like the trouble you’re having is with your sidebar only. The rest seems positioned nicely beneath the banner.
    Your sidebar is positioned absolutely, so it’s easy to put it somewhat lower. In your stylesheet find this:

    #menu {
    top:40px; /* see #header for height; */
    padding:0 0 15px 0;

    and change the value for top:40px; to something that fits better. Remember that if you move your blog to another host with no topbanner (or a different kind or size) you should again change this value to somehting that fits into the site.

    Thread Starter elsatiro


    Thank you very much for your answer Dissurion!

    Well, I tried what you said, but it didn’t work. I tried to midificate other thing, but none of the modification seemed to work.

    So I tired and switched to another theme, Black-Letterhead, which works ok with the banner.

    I really don’t know what happened. I was thinking about the same way that you told me to do, modificate the .css file, since that is the one that should (that was judgement coming from my common sense of course) set the alignment and size of the php components.

    You confirmed that and exactly told me what should I modificate, and those lines that you mentioned were exactly the ones that I found. I modificate what you told me, and I also modificated, when it didn’t work, the size of the #header object, but in neither gave results.

    I tried another theme, similar to the previous one, and it displays ok. It’s not as wide as I’d like, but enough ??

    Thank you very much for your answer!

    Best regards
    El s??tiro

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