• Hi, this is Channing Martinez, I do all of the Maintenance for https://www.voicesfromthefrontlines.com

    We are having a problem in the relm of Aesthetics on the “Shop” page included as part of the Paypal plugin. We’ve input a Letter head on the actual post, and while the post looks exactly how we want it to look in the editor, for some reason, when it is published and previewed the actual list of products is published at the top of the page and actually pushes anything else on the page below. We’d like to find some way to work around this. Your plug-in, in our opinion is one of the top, and most professional in terms of working with a paypal centered e-commerce shop. We want to continue to use this plug-in, but cannot do so if the plug-in does not fit with the aesthetic feel of the rest of the site.

    Please let me know how you can help

    Channing Martinez,
    Producer/ Technical Engineer
    Voices from the Frontlines
    KPFK Pacifica 90.7fm

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  • I’d also love to see how to control the alignment on the Shop page. As is, a single long column does not look good and wastes a lot of space. Is there any way to get a response on our questions?

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