Good afternoon by my time Sir,kindly appreciate my VOT (vote of thanks).Inlieu with your awesome assistance which has proven to be precise and exact in solving my *questions_bugs*. Really appreciate
Relative to this Sir, I have few more questions
#1—haven changed and re-integrated the codes for the menu you gave me yesterday for the menu issue I have which when clicked upon becomes a page,which I didn’t want. With this issue been solved with your rich experience in the Code_environment *which I want to emulate*.
I noticed all of the images I assigned to the feature image link to the followwing respective menu:About Us,Our Serrvices, and Contacts, has gone. Now the question is how do I setup a featured image that is linked to the respective top level menue above?. Because I have gone to the customize section, and I happen to notice the afromentioned menu aren’t appearing and they are also not appearing in the page category. I believe I must have done something wrong to get customizr theme upset.*smile*
#2—-on my contact form page under the google map address, I wrote a specific address after I read on how to master the *div category* which for me satisfied abit of what I want.But now my question is,is it possible to have another address directly by the side *RHS* of the same written address? Here’s the link to my contact form page:
#3—-how do I get to make the respective icons sit properly near the designated address, they tend to seem off the proportion I actually expect. Below are the codes I used in this section of my Newbie+++ first project:
<div class=”row-fluid”>
<div class=”span6″><iframe src=”” width=”526″ height=”526″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″>Loading…</iframe></div>
<div class=”span6″>[mappress mapid=”1″]
<img src=”” alt=”Address_web_icon_v2″ width=”31″ height=”50″ class=”alignleft size-full wp-image-296″ />South Africa Office
2635 Napoleon Ct
Western Cape
<img src=”×300.png” alt=”MiL6qopia” width=”31″ height=”50″ class=”alignleft size-medium wp-image-297″ />Mobile Contact
+44 (0) 215531610
Thanks Sir Dave…HWKEnd.