All I need is just to add that code to site theme’s CSS(Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS)???
I hope it won’t impact negatively to other things of my site?
Actually I already have some other codes there.
html,body {
overflow-x: hidden;
Do I need to paste your code after them? Won’t it impact negatively?
I thought it would be possible to make it from
GDPR Cookie Consent>Settings>Customize Cookie Bar>Message> to add some code here, because here are already some codes like:
<div class=”cli-bar-container cli-style-v2″><div class=”cli-bar-message”> This site uses cookies to make it more convenient for you to use.</div><div class=”cli-bar-btn_container”>[cookie_link margin=”0px 40px 0px 0px”] [cookie_accept_all margin=”0px 40px 0px 40px”]</div></div>
If it is possible could you change it to be centered from the code above please
This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by