• Hi everyone,

    I have tried to read some old posts about my problem but can’t happen to find a solution to my issue.
    So I am new to wordpress here… I am trying to add a text on the side of the image, actually on the right side of the image, AND NOT below the image like I have right now…

    I would like the text on the right and the image of the left.
    See the opposite example here:

    The problem is everytime I try to add the text, it aligns below the image and not to its side. Do you guys have any ideas?
    Please let me know.

    Thank you

    I did everything to align this text, but its still not working:

    Here is the code I have :

    ‘[caption id="attachment_5" align="alignleft" width="300"]<img class=”size-medium wp-image-5 ” alt=”Raffaele Generotti” src=”https://www.raffaelegenerotti.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Raff-300×300.jpg&#8221; width=”300″ height=”300″ /> Raffaele Generotti[/caption]
    <h5 style=”text-align: left;”><strong style=”text-align: left;”>?Hi! I am Raffaele Generotti, Italian Architect specialised in creating gorgeous residential and commercial interiors. </h5>
    <h5 style=”text-align: left;”><strong style=”text-align: left;”>Interior design is my passion and I have been happily doing it for the past 20 years. </h5>
    <h5 style=”text-align: left;”><strong style=”text-align: left;”>As an architect I quickly see the potential for maximising every square meter of space. In my mind’s eye, I am already working out whats the best choice of lighting, materials, and colour scheme, and at the same time I am imagining the best possible layout to optimise each space to suit everyone’s needs. When required I also enjoy designing furniture, to create a complete tailored home experience. My style is classic chic and timeless. </h5>
    <h5 style=”text-align: left;”><strong style=”text-align: left;”>I have worked in Italy and around the world. My interiors have been featured in important design mags such as : the Italian AD and the British House & Gardens. </h5>
    <h5 style=”text-align: left;”><strong style=”text-align: left;”>I am based in Rome, and available to work abroad. I love riding my bike, chasing girls and climbing trees ?? </h5>
    <h5 style=”text-align: left;”><strong style=”text-align: left;”>So pick up the phone for any questions or for a free consultation.</h5>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”><strong style=”text-align: left;”><span>?</span></p>’

    Please let me know if there’s anything I can change with this code, I dont know anything about codes.

    Ps. Sorry I have copied some of this from a previous post, had to do it because the post was closed.

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  • Expect someone with a better answer will be along soon, but I’d start by taking out the text align:left stuff

    as in change

    <h5 style="text-align: left;"><strong style="text-align: left;">



    and see if that helps

    I’m sorry but as you are using a commercial theme, you need to seek support from the theme’s developer/vendor. We do not support commercial products here.
    Try https://themetrust.com/support-forums/

    Why did you enter all of your text in Heading 5 <h5> tags? That’s the problem. Heading tags (like <h1>, <h2>, etc.) are “block” elements, they are going to “clear” of other elements by adding a line break before and after itself.

    The “correct” way to fix it would be to change all of the lines to normal paragraphs. You can do this by removing all of the <h5> tags using the page’s Text editor, or go into the Visual editor and change the style of those lines from Heading 5 to Paragraph. That should allow the text to “flow” around your image

    If you don’t like the way the paragraph text looks, change the styling in the theme’s CSS for paragraphs (p) (I don’t know how your theme works as far as allowing custom CSS or changing the default font).

    Thread Starter Braziliannut777


    Hi Everyone, thank you so much for your help. I have changed from Heading 5 to Paragraph and it seems to be working now.

    Cheers !!!

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