• I’ve tried installing the plugin, but I can’t seem to get past a javascript error:

    Error: akst_share is not defined
    Source File: javascript:void(akst_share(’22’));
    Line: 1

    Prototype is where it should be…however, I don’t think the plugin is injecting the proper head statements to make the plugin work.

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  • If you’re manually using the template tags, I’m afraid you’re somewhat on your own. The myriad of potential issues with themes, etc. makes it very hard to provide generic help there.

    Some other folks with experience may be willing to chime in, and if you get desperate, you can always set up a mini contract gig with me to have me go in and debug what is happening and fix it on your server.


    now what i did

    1,deactivated all the plugin

    2, uploaded new plugin
    3, activated only share this plugin
    4, word press version 2.05

    still i get the same issue i didnt add any code manually

    but share this link appear on every post

    when i click i get this https://localhost/wblog/sports/crickety-check/#

    do i have to upload the prototype.js in wp-include?

    What does the README say?

    Yaa in read me if prior version i have to upload .But i am using 2.05 i didn’t upload the prototype.Js but didn’t work .I get same result .Later i upload prototype.js in wp-include still i get same result

    This is likely my own theme/template issue, but I thought I’d post anyway.

    I’ve got it installed and added the form / link custom via the PHP function in my templates, and they’re both there and work. However, when I click the link it does nothing. This is in Firefox, it does nothing, doesn’t change the page or open a box. (In IE6 it goes to the seperate page with the form, but not a floating box).

    I’ve tried tweaking around but don’t know what else to do/try?

    I’ve disabled the plugin for now until I try and come up with some more solutions to test. I can put it back on and give you a page link if you want… Just trying to get the popup box to even work first then see if there are any of these ‘undefined’ issues.

    Here’s a suggestion that worked for me. I made a slight hack to the way I implement Share This.

    In v1.2, I wanted to place the calls in specific places, so I followed the instructions in README to change the default action from automatically placing the calls. Then I placed the calls where I wanted them. The only problem was that this method didn’t validate. The default method did. Both methods worked as designed.

    I then changed my theme and it didn’t like Share This at all. In v1.3, Alex has included the ability for Share This to work with your RSS feeds, on mobile devices, and on machines where java is disabled. It does this by opening a new page rather than the pop up form.

    Instead of using the calls as outlined in the README, place this link where you want the Share This link inside the loop.
    <a href="<?php bloginfo('siteurl'); ?>/?p=<?php print($post->ID); ?>&amp;akst_action=share-this" title="Share This" target="_blank">Share This</a>

    My problem with this plugin seems a bit different from all the rest.

    When installed, in both Firefox and IE7 the popup for the various social sites pops UNDER my blog entry.

    If I deactivate the js then Share-this takes me to a separate page, which is acceptable, but not the best solutions.

    Anyone seen this POP UNDER problem? Any resolution?



    I have a similar problem to the previous poster: IE positions the popup in the wrong place. I think it is a CSS problem, but I do not know what. Can someone help?

    I have WordPress 2.0.5 and Share This 1.3

    Please note:

    fint this line: <div id=”info”
    change to <div id=”info”>

    it’s missing close tag


    THX for the tips it’s working perfectly like i would like ! By the way for those who wants to insert the Share thiss option in the “bottom^post Navbar” check in your index.php of your theme. You can add image if you want like this example :

    <img src=”./images-layout/enveloppe.jpg” width=”14″ height=”9″ alt=”Envoyer à un ami”>/?p=<?php print($post->ID); ?>&akst_action=share-this” title=”Envoyer à un ami”>  Envoyer

    Or you could see an example on our testing site :www.lesartisans.org


    PS : I don’t have found yet the solution for the “template page” when clicked on the link

    First and foremost, thanks for the great plugin. I’v been using Sharethis plugin for quite some time without any problem.

    Recently, I’v moved my blog to a new host, and there it’s crashing with under quoted error:

    Call to undefined function: akst_share_link() in /home/.lodi/ditii/ditii.com/blog/wp-content/themes/Connections/post.php on line 101

    Can anyone please help me to solve this error, as I’v not been able to do so.

    Thanks & regards,

    Allow me to BUMP this question back up in hopes of getting a solution..

    My problem is a bit different from all the rest I have read here.

    I have successfully installed the plugin but in both Firefox and IE7 the SHARE-THIS link, when clicked, pops UNDER my blog entry. (https://www.pga-auctions.com/wordpress/)

    If I deactivate the js then Share-this takes me to a separate page, which is acceptable, but not the best solutions.

    Has anyone seen this POP UNDER problem in their site? Has anyone found a resolution? I really like this plugin, but it is useless to me if it continues to pop UNDER my blog item.

    Thanks everyone.. and especially Alex for so many wonderful plugins.


    It doesn’t pop-up at all for me, but this sounds like a specific incompatibility with the theme/css/js used on your site. My approach to fix it would be to debug it on your site.

    I’m getting a error with the Share This Plugin. In testing the plugin and not entering an e-mail address into the send or from email address fields I get the following error.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: wp_die() in /home/mysite/public_html/blogs/wp-content/plugins/share-this/share-this.php on line 525.

    If I enter all information the plugin works perfectly. I noticed the ksorbo is experiencing the same error on page two of this thread.

    I assume the offending line of code is

    if (empty($post_id) || empty($to) || !ak_check_email_address($to) || empty($email) || !ak_check_email_address($email)) {
    wp_die(__('Click your back button and make sure those e-mail addresses are valid then try again.', 'alexking.org'));

    I’m using WordPress 2.04 currently.

    Thanks for your help and a great plugin.

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