From the README:
== Template Tags ==
By default, the Share This link will be added to the end of your content and the Share This form will be added to your footer. If you would like to control exactly where these go in your template, you can do so by disabling the auto-output and using the following template tags:
The link:
<?php akst_share_link(); ?>
The form:
<?php akst_share_form(); ?>
To disable the auto-output of the link and form, you can edit the .php file and change the following settings from:
@define('AKST_ADDTOCONTENT', true);
@define('AKST_ADDTOFOOTER', true);
@define('AKST_ADDTOCONTENT', false);
@define('AKST_ADDTOFOOTER', false);
If you don’t want to edit the .php file, you can add this to your WordPress index.php file or your own plugin (which must be loaded before Share This):
@define('AKST_ADDTOCONTENT', false);
@define('AKST_ADDTOFOOTER', false);