aksimet not using “Comment Blacklist” ip website url or words
I added so many spammers ip , website link and words but still they are able to make comment https://prnt.sc/l89dxj . How i can stop those people from making comment on my website . Its really irritating . Is there any .htaccess method
just want to know who are they ? means they are bot or real human who is spamming my website .
RahulThe page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
@ronwisely: The blacklist you mentioned is not part of Akismet, but WordPress itself so anything put there won’t teach Akismet about those spam comments.
Spammers are always working to find new ways to get around our spam filtering. Akismet is always learning so if you come across a piece of spam that Akismet misses marking it as spam will help Akismet learn and not miss similar spam in the future.
If you continue to see things getting through that you’ve marked as spam, please get back in touch with a few example comments and we’ll be happy to look into this further. Please reach out via our contact form and we can take a closer look:
https://akismet.com/contactRespected csonnek ,
@csonnek Thanks alot for giving me answer . I asked for help . Instead of providing me help askimet team gave me a warning for up-gradation https://prnt.sc/l92qto or else my account will be suspended . I am not selling anything i am a starter blogger . Do all bloggers have to use premium version of akismet .You please clarify your tnc .
As per i know commercial license is for the people who sells products not for affiliate Bloggers .
RahulI asked for help . Instead of providing me help askimet team gave me a warning for up-gradation or else my account will be suspended . I am not selling anything i am a starter blogger . Do all bloggers have to use premium version of akismet
Yes, when I pulled up your account and reviewed your site, you’re using affiliate links, which is something that generates revenue and exempts your site from using a free key. I marked your key as such in our system which generated that email.
Free keys are for personal, non-commercial sites only – no exceptions.
https://docs.akismet.com/getting-started/free-or-paid/We’re still happy to work with you to see why Akismet isn’t picking up comments that are getting through, but we also needed to note the incorrect plan in place on your site.
I hope that clarifies things.
Respected csonnek ,
@csonnek Thanks alot for replying me back so fast , I think you should write this details properlyPS: You’ll need an Akismet.com API key to use it. Keys are free for personal blogs; paid subscriptions are available for businesses and commercial sites.
I believe almost of small affiliate bloggers are using akismet free license so small affiliate bloggers they fall into commercial site . Mostly poeple who are doing persoanl blogging are big company who is giving some service so its necessary for them to buy license again commercial sites . And good part of your tnc is ngo and educational group are also not eligible for akismet free license . because they fall into commercial site category .
If you will see overall people using are wrongly using akismet license.
And rarely any people do blogging without any benefit . So as per my conclusion very few people are eligible for free license . And still its their in wordpress respiratory . As per my conclusion
Any How i am removing akismet from my blog because i got warning from your team . And i need something which is free .
So as per my conclusion very few people are eligible for free license
That’s simply not true. We have large numbers of users using a free key who qualify for a free key. We also have many other customers who qualify for the free key who opt to pay for Akismet because they value our service. We’re the most used spam fighting service for a reason.
Akismet costs as little as $5 per month for sites not eligible for a free key, which even for our customers who have personal blogs they’ve monetized (using affiliate links, advertising, or selling merchandise), they find that price to be reasonable for what we provide.
You’re free to discontinue using Akismet since you’re opting to not pay for our services. Simply disable and delete the plugin from your site and that will take care of that for you.
Marking this as resolved since you’re opting to not use Akismet in the future.
Respected csonnek ,
As per my conclusion WordPress is open source and its plugins and should be also open source for all If you are hosting in www.remarpro.com . You can’t limit use of any plugin based on their source of earning . However if you want you can limit your functionality like different feature for free users and premium users . Or you can limit number spams protection per month per account for free and premium account .
Even the people who are using adsense they are generating revenue and they fall into business license .
Note – Respected Akismet team i am not arguing with anyone just want to clear my doubt so can you guide on this topic @jdembowski
Rahul*Raises hand*
I’m not sure why I was pinged but here we are.
*Drinks more coffee*
Akismet is available for free as long as the user requesting if qualifies for a free key, meaning a non-commercial site.
If you think you may be a commercial site then you are. I use Akismet for free myself as I qualify for that on the site that I use it.
See this very good and patient reply above?
Your site uses affiliate links. That’s commercial use so, yeah, it happened that your “free” license was pulled. You don’t qualify for a free key. The people who provide a service get the final word on that and that happened.
As per my conclusion WordPress is open source and its plugins and should be also open source for all If you are hosting in www.remarpro.com . You can’t limit use of any plugin based on their source of earning .
I’m sorry to say this (truly!) but you are completely wrong.
Opensource means that the code is well, open and free. Here that means GPL or fully GPL compatible.
The code for the Akismet plugin is 100% opensource and the code cannot be restricted. If you wish to play with the code, if you wish to improve it, take out portions of the code that you dislike then feel free to do so.
That is how opensource code works.
BUT! The service that the code connects too? The service provider (in this case Automattic) can make what ever conditions they choose. If you are a commercial site then you can’t use the free license for that service.
Akismet is not the only plugin that interfaces with a service that way. Many of them (all of them?) have some sort of restriction on who and how that service can be used.
So please, do not accuse anyone of violating any term of hosting a plugin here on www.remarpro.com. That’s not the case with your use of Akismet and it’s OK that your free key was revoked.
Thanks alot for replying @jdembowski ,
I Tagged you here because i saw you many time guiding people on WordPress what is wrong and what is correct .
I am not blaming anyone just want to clarify about WordPress tnc i don’t have much idea about it because i have only 1 year experience in WordPress .
Sorry to disturb both of you and thanks alot for helping me to both of you.
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