Hi all,
Sorry for re-opening this topic, but I’ve searched aaaaaaaaaall around the forum and net and still haven’t found a straight answer. I too, as many around, have the “AKPC_IDS +=…” showing up on my blogs preview posts (home page). I know it’s Alex King’s Popularity Plugin. I know whe you deactivate it, it no longer shows up. I know Alex no longer supports the plugin. But ultimately, I want the plugin to work (therefore I do not want to use the solution of deactivating it) and I also need assistance (unfortunately I can’t get it from Alex himself). I’ve tried to tweak around with the editor, but always get an error. I’ve also found various links (like the above) that supposedly solve the issue, but either I’m really bad at this all or they really don’t resolve this specific issue. Lol.
Does anyone know how to get “AKPC_IDS += …” removed from the preview posts?
My blog: https://quartoefe.ricjo.org/
Mw WordPress version: 2.9.2
Plugin installed: Popularity Contest evrsion 2.0b2